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Halloween Haunt Report (9-24-11)


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We arrived at 7:00pm, but first I had to wait in a 30 minute line because I lost my pass and had to get a replacement ticket :P . It sure was a PACKED night!! Well, we did 7 Haunted Attractions, here is a list of reports and ratings:

-Holiday Horror- My group did NOT like this attraction, but personally I liked it! Only a 15 minute wait too! Not that scary but really cool and fun and some pop outs. The Easter section and Presidents Day was a disappointment but I liked St. Patrick's Day and April Fools.

Overall Rating- 8

-Nightmare Alley- I liked this "scare-zone" and everybody else with me did too so I think it gets a good rating. Nobody scared you that much but I think it was a neat no-wait thing to do while walking.

Overall Rating- 7

-Mysteria- This. was. awful. I was looking forward to this so much, and it was a big letdown! Such a disappointment, I would have rather had Death Row by far, which is really saying something considering I got very lightheaded and almost passed out in it last year. All this was was some neat laser pointers with some awkward looking people wearing tight green suits who just stood there. Very awful. Don't recommend.

Overall Rating- 2

-Massacre Manor- Great haunted house! Loved this one as usual! I could see that they added some of Death Row's old props into a section of the house. I really liked this one, as usual!

Overall Rating- 9

-Slaughterhouse- Oh my gosh, best haunt of the night!! Very scary! I loved this one, I hope one day I can scare in hear! I could tell the had to cut down some of the big inflatable black air thing at the end, I heard a lot of complaints about that last year, but it was perfect this year! To top it of, *spoiler alert* we got chased out of Action Zone from a guy with a chainsaw that hid at the end!

Overall Rating- 10 (Best Yet- 2011)

-Club Blood- Waited soooooo long for this one! Such a long wait! It was....eh..? I normally really like this one but this year it just seemed, OK. It felt short and there weren't a lot of scareactors inside. I probably just felt that way considering the long wait, I don't know, I'll try again next week!

Overall Rating- 6

-Wolf Pack- Forsure, better than last years! Not the best, but better than last year! It seemed scarier and just had a better tone to it! I just wait for the return of Son of Beast.....if that happens... <_<

Overall Rating- 7

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I went Friday October 10th also. We did everything this time with a few rides.


CarnEVIL- We were the first of the day to go in and it was excellent! Lots of pop outs! Only disappointing part was the no more 3D. (Rating- 9)

Holiday Horror- Better than last years! Not scary, but really creative! (Rating- 8)

Tombstone Terrortory- Just awful. Not really scary or neat at all. Just waiting a long time for nothing. (Rating- 3)

Urgent Scare- I heard bad reviews from this year but it wasn't that bad. The outside was no decorated at all unlike last year and it was hard to find but I liked it. (Rating- 7.5)

Mysteria- I tried it out again today, way better than last week! Wow, what an improvement! I liked it! (Rating- 6)

Massacure Manor- Same old, same old. Liked it....that's all I can say. hahaha. (Rating- 8)

Cut Throat Cove- OK. Need decorations. Dislike because we were followed by security the whole time because a security lady yelled at me for taking a picture 'in line' for the house...? (Rating- 5)

cornSTALKERS- Eh? It was fine. The new area was much better. The line moved sooo slowwww. (Rating- 4)

Slaughterhouse- A little worse than last week, but still my favorite. Really scary! (Rating- 9)

Club Blood- Funny and scary at the same time. Extremely inappropriate though, 2 workers were calling each other 'sluts', 'whores', and 'skanks' while there were a family of little kids behind us. (Rating- 8)

Wolf Pack- Great in the dark! Huge improvement from last year! Really enjoyable this year! (Rating- 7)


Beast- Really cool with the fog added to some parts and the 'Beast' on the turn section!

Backlot Stunt Coaster- Walk-On so decided to do it, no added haunts to it <_<

Boo Blasters- Whoa. There were 3 random people in costumes just standing there!? Do it and see for yourself! Strange...


The casket thing for $5 seemed cool but a waste of money. You are put into a casket then tossed around and you can smell stuff and feel things and it supposedly makes you feel like your being buried alive! Anybody do it? comment!

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Club Blood- Funny and scary at the same time. Extremely inappropriate though, 2 workers were calling each other 'sluts', 'whores', and 'skanks' while there were a family of little kids behind us. (Rating- 8)

....I was set to ask someone the logic behind taking kids into a house themed as a nightclub overrun with vampires, but I'm just gonna leave that dead horse alone. :)

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It was slightly crowded today, did 4 rides and 6 houses.....DANG Slaughterhouse was AMAZING tonight!! Was anyone working in there tonight? Cuz you prolly scared me to death! Wolf Pack was really good tonight too! Massacure Manor and Club Blood were a dissapointment today :( But Holiday Horror and Urgent Scare were good as usual! FOR EVERYONE IN SLAUGHTERHOUSE, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! :) BEST OF THE NIGHT! I'll be 16 in April 2013 so hopefully I can scare in there for Halloween Haunt 2013! hahaha :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

We arrived at 7:00pm, but first I had to wait in a 30 minute line because I lost my pass and had to get a replacement ticket :P . It sure was a PACKED night!! Well, we did 7 Haunted Attractions, here is a list of reports and ratings:

-Holiday Horror- My group did NOT like this attraction, but personally I liked it! Only a 15 minute wait too! Not that scary but really cool and fun and some pop outs. The Easter section and Presidents Day was a disappointment but I liked St. Patrick's Day and April Fools.

Overall Rating- 8

-Nightmare Alley- I liked this "scare-zone" and everybody else with me did too so I think it gets a good rating. Nobody scared you that much but I think it was a neat no-wait thing to do while walking.

Overall Rating- 7

-Mysteria- This. was. awful. I was looking forward to this so much, and it was a big letdown! Such a disappointment, I would have rather had Death Row by far, which is really saying something considering I got very lightheaded and almost passed out in it last year. All this was was some neat laser pointers with some awkward looking people wearing tight green suits who just stood there. Very awful. Don't recommend.

Overall Rating- 2

-Massacre Manor- Great haunted house! Loved this one as usual! I could see that they added some of Death Row's old props into a section of the house. I really liked this one, as usual!

Overall Rating- 9

-Slaughterhouse- Oh my gosh, best haunt of the night!! Very scary! I loved this one, I hope one day I can scare in hear! I could tell the had to cut down some of the big inflatable black air thing at the end, I heard a lot of complaints about that last year, but it was perfect this year! To top it of, *spoiler alert* we got chased out of Action Zone from a guy with a chainsaw that hid at the end!

Overall Rating- 10 (Best Yet- 2011)

-Club Blood- Waited soooooo long for this one! Such a long wait! It was....eh..? I normally really like this one but this year it just seemed, OK. It felt short and there weren't a lot of scareactors inside. I probably just felt that way considering the long wait, I don't know, I'll try again next week!

Overall Rating- 6

-Wolf Pack- Forsure, better than last years! Not the best, but better than last year! It seemed scarier and just had a better tone to it! I just wait for the return of Son of Beast.....if that happens... <_<

Overall Rating- 7

It was slightly crowded today, did 4 rides and 6 houses.....DANG Slaughterhouse was AMAZING tonight!! Was anyone working in there tonight? Cuz you prolly scared me to death! Wolf Pack was really good tonight too! Massacure Manor and Club Blood were a dissapointment today :( But Holiday Horror and Urgent Scare were good as usual! FOR EVERYONE IN SLAUGHTERHOUSE, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! :) BEST OF THE NIGHT! I'll be 16 in April 2013 so hopefully I can scare in there for Halloween Haunt 2013! hahaha :rolleyes:

Did I chase you!?! I'm sorry about that, Mama gets mad when I run with chainsaws.

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We arrived at 7:00pm, but first I had to wait in a 30 minute line because I lost my pass and had to get a replacement ticket :P . It sure was a PACKED night!! Well, we did 7 Haunted Attractions, here is a list of reports and ratings:

-Holiday Horror- My group did NOT like this attraction, but personally I liked it! Only a 15 minute wait too! Not that scary but really cool and fun and some pop outs. The Easter section and Presidents Day was a disappointment but I liked St. Patrick's Day and April Fools.

Overall Rating- 8

-Nightmare Alley- I liked this "scare-zone" and everybody else with me did too so I think it gets a good rating. Nobody scared you that much but I think it was a neat no-wait thing to do while walking.

Overall Rating- 7

-Mysteria- This. was. awful. I was looking forward to this so much, and it was a big letdown! Such a disappointment, I would have rather had Death Row by far, which is really saying something considering I got very lightheaded and almost passed out in it last year. All this was was some neat laser pointers with some awkward looking people wearing tight green suits who just stood there. Very awful. Don't recommend.

Overall Rating- 2

-Massacre Manor- Great haunted house! Loved this one as usual! I could see that they added some of Death Row's old props into a section of the house. I really liked this one, as usual!

Overall Rating- 9

-Slaughterhouse- Oh my gosh, best haunt of the night!! Very scary! I loved this one, I hope one day I can scare in hear! I could tell the had to cut down some of the big inflatable black air thing at the end, I heard a lot of complaints about that last year, but it was perfect this year! To top it of, *spoiler alert* we got chased out of Action Zone from a guy with a chainsaw that hid at the end!

Overall Rating- 10 (Best Yet- 2011)

-Club Blood- Waited soooooo long for this one! Such a long wait! It was....eh..? I normally really like this one but this year it just seemed, OK. It felt short and there weren't a lot of scareactors inside. I probably just felt that way considering the long wait, I don't know, I'll try again next week!

Overall Rating- 6

-Wolf Pack- Forsure, better than last years! Not the best, but better than last year! It seemed scarier and just had a better tone to it! I just wait for the return of Son of Beast.....if that happens... <_<

Overall Rating- 7

It was slightly crowded today, did 4 rides and 6 houses.....DANG Slaughterhouse was AMAZING tonight!! Was anyone working in there tonight? Cuz you prolly scared me to death! Wolf Pack was really good tonight too! Massacure Manor and Club Blood were a dissapointment today :( But Holiday Horror and Urgent Scare were good as usual! FOR EVERYONE IN SLAUGHTERHOUSE, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! :) BEST OF THE NIGHT! I'll be 16 in April 2013 so hopefully I can scare in there for Halloween Haunt 2013! hahaha :rolleyes:

Did I chase you!?! I'm sorry about that, Mama gets mad when I run with chainsaws.

hahahahaah you caught me by suprise today!! I saw one guy standing there with a chainsaw at the end not moving then you just popped out and chased us!

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We arrived at 7:00pm, but first I had to wait in a 30 minute line because I lost my pass and had to get a replacement ticket :P . It sure was a PACKED night!! Well, we did 7 Haunted Attractions, here is a list of reports and ratings:

-Holiday Horror- My group did NOT like this attraction, but personally I liked it! Only a 15 minute wait too! Not that scary but really cool and fun and some pop outs. The Easter section and Presidents Day was a disappointment but I liked St. Patrick's Day and April Fools.

Overall Rating- 8

-Nightmare Alley- I liked this "scare-zone" and everybody else with me did too so I think it gets a good rating. Nobody scared you that much but I think it was a neat no-wait thing to do while walking.

Overall Rating- 7

-Mysteria- This. was. awful. I was looking forward to this so much, and it was a big letdown! Such a disappointment, I would have rather had Death Row by far, which is really saying something considering I got very lightheaded and almost passed out in it last year. All this was was some neat laser pointers with some awkward looking people wearing tight green suits who just stood there. Very awful. Don't recommend.

Overall Rating- 2

-Massacre Manor- Great haunted house! Loved this one as usual! I could see that they added some of Death Row's old props into a section of the house. I really liked this one, as usual!

Overall Rating- 9

-Slaughterhouse- Oh my gosh, best haunt of the night!! Very scary! I loved this one, I hope one day I can scare in hear! I could tell the had to cut down some of the big inflatable black air thing at the end, I heard a lot of complaints about that last year, but it was perfect this year! To top it of, *spoiler alert* we got chased out of Action Zone from a guy with a chainsaw that hid at the end!

Overall Rating- 10 (Best Yet- 2011)

-Club Blood- Waited soooooo long for this one! Such a long wait! It was....eh..? I normally really like this one but this year it just seemed, OK. It felt short and there weren't a lot of scareactors inside. I probably just felt that way considering the long wait, I don't know, I'll try again next week!

Overall Rating- 6

-Wolf Pack- Forsure, better than last years! Not the best, but better than last year! It seemed scarier and just had a better tone to it! I just wait for the return of Son of Beast.....if that happens... <_<

Overall Rating- 7

It was slightly crowded today, did 4 rides and 6 houses.....DANG Slaughterhouse was AMAZING tonight!! Was anyone working in there tonight? Cuz you prolly scared me to death! Wolf Pack was really good tonight too! Massacure Manor and Club Blood were a dissapointment today :( But Holiday Horror and Urgent Scare were good as usual! FOR EVERYONE IN SLAUGHTERHOUSE, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! :) BEST OF THE NIGHT! I'll be 16 in April 2013 so hopefully I can scare in there for Halloween Haunt 2013! hahaha :rolleyes:

Did I chase you!?! I'm sorry about that, Mama gets mad when I run with chainsaws.

hahahahaah you caught me by suprise today!! I saw one guy standing there with a chainsaw at the end not moving then you just popped out and chased us!

You never know where we might pop out from. Us Slaughter boys never up to any good!

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