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Some Things I Noticed 6/14/12


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I went to the park for the day, crowds weren't too bad and I got to ride nearly everything. Some things I noticed:

Dodgem is running the best ever, they felt faster and smoother. Easily the best ride I have had on them.

Diamondback's helix support is much larger now, two supports now go out to the middle of the helix.

I had a little time to waste, so my friend and I rode Flying Ace Aerial Chase. The crew running the ride at 9:40 at night was very energetic and funny. I love when they interact with the guests!

Finally, there were groups of people there that were of the, "I can do what I want," variety. When I rode my usual Beast night ride, I got off and saw a security officer talking to some 19 year olds. From what I know, one was smoking a cigarette on the ride. I could tell from what him and his group were yelling. They yelled, "FU*K SECURITY," "I'm 19, I can do whatever I want." I glanced at their picture and saw him smoking the cig and his friend showing the bird to the camera. They also were riled up at a man who was wearing a Cedar Point single rider shirt for saying he was going to call security on them, which was the complete right thing to do. When we walked out the gates, I saw these fine gentlemen, the man in the single rider shirt, and a security officer. They were obviously yelling at the security guard and the man about how they can do whatever they want. As I walked away, I saw more security approach. These are the kind of people who can make a day unenjoyable, and it dissapoints me that there are people out there that act like this. I hope that they got a proper punishment, but with their attitude, I doubt that they learned a lesson.

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Thanks for the report! Interesting that you say that the Dodgems are running better; I'll have to give them another try soon. Though I can't wait for these bumper cars to open up; they sound infinitely more interesting.

That place looks amazing...how come nobody has said anything about it?

I hope it does better than Krazy City.

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Oh, brand new supports were put in? Do tell.

It's sad that there are people who think this way, having what they think of a funny and great experience at the expense of everyone else's. Other than that incident, glad you had a good trip.

I meant that two of the concrete supports were extended out to the center.

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