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A few questions...


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1. I am a gold pass member who has lost my season pass the last time I was at Kings Island, but I have the pass number. Can the park admissions look me up by the number or should I have the confirmation email also.

2. I have an all day drink wristband coupon good for when I enjoy the park tomorrow, Is it worth it to use this or can I as I read on a different topic buy a souveiner cup and use a 5 dollar drink wristband to continually refill the cup.


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I know the answer to #1 - it's happened to me a lot. At the park I think you have a limited amount of times you can go without your pass, but they can look you up just by name. To get a new pass you can go to Guest Services and buy one for I think, $15?

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You did this last year and maybe even the year before hand. We always gave the same answer. Contact the park! They can give you the best and accurate information (no offense jdawg!) We are not the all knowing (Except me, I know all! :P )

So please, contact the park during normal operating hours and they will get everything sorted out!

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Lance, you are allowed a "forgot my pass" ticket up to three times, then you MUST pay $15 to replace your pass. As you used to be in admissions, go to the ticket services window and request it. As noted above, contact the park at Guests Services and they can answer all your questions or go to the park and replace your pass.

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I realize "tomorrow" is now yesterday, but I'll answer the second question anyway. The 20oz wristband is much better than the souvenir cup wristband simply because it is free through FUN Perks (instead of paying $5 for it) and doesn't require you to carry a huge cup around all day.

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