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inpark survey


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has any one else done one of these in park survey things. My sister went to the park this past week and said that some girl handed her a survey to do in the park.

Along with this survey were a special pass to get to the front of the line at select rides and a free ticket to the park. First time i have heard of such thing but if someone can give me info about this it would be great thanks...

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Having visited Kings Island almost every year for the past 30 years, I would gladly fill out a survey on my opinion of the park. Last year I went to SFWOA and was asked if I would participate in a phone survey later in the month. I accepted and when the call came I made my opinion clear that I wasn't very satisfied with certain aspects of it (no real themeing, a very disappointing whale show, etc.) I wouldn't be as harsh on PKI as I enjoy visiting there but I wonder if my answers were part of the decision to sell SFWOA to CF?

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My mom was at the park last Thursday and said that a friend of hers recieved this survey. It was given to her when she entered the park, down be the stroller/wheelchair entrance. I would like to recieve one, it would be kind of cool!

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Ok, to clear up some confusion for this ill explain about the books. The books, or more affectionatly called Diary's , are handed out each morning by Guest Relations with the time they are handed out. Usually we have a quota to meet, like we need to get 10 Season Pass Holders, and 10 Mothers with children. On certain days we get different Diary's and specifically on this day you are discussing, is the "Fast Pass" booklet, where the Guest with the diary and their party present the booklet to the ride that they choose (its explained in the diary) and they get a time to come back, or ride then (much like Walk on Weekends). In the diary the party is supposed to record EVERYTHING they have done for the day.(I.e. went to Emporium, and bought a Sponge Bob Square Pants plush doll, went to Bubba Gumps and bought the fish platter..and so on.) Each page is broken into departments like, "Seeing any shows?" "Riding any Rides?" "Purchasing Food?" and the like so you can describe and how much you have spent for the day. At the end of the day before the party leaves, they bring the diary back to Front Gate Guest Relations, we log the time they left, and the party gets at MAX. 4 free GAD tickets. (It used to be we would give enough tickets for the whole party...if you had 10 members in your party, you got 10 free tickets, but this has since changed.) The Tickets are logged into our ticket database, and whenever they want to use the tickets, they come to GR and get the appropriate amount for the day.

As for the Surveys, these are done each day by Guest Relations. In the morning we have Point of Orgin Surveys(PORGS). These are the people you see in the morning at the front gate with the Palm Pilots. Please dont be scared of them..lol. The survey only takes a minute, and that minute might help your day out alot!

In the afternoon we have Food Surveys, where we survey how the Food Service Department is doing, and any opinions the guests have about the food/cleanlines and the like.

In the evening, we do a Guest Satisfaction Survey(GSS), which you just express how your day was and any comments or concerns you wish to express. These are usually passed (when i do them atleast..) at the Eiffel Tower and International Street.

In addition we have the Boomerang Bay Survey which is similar to the GSS, and we used to have a survey at the beginning of the season for the Paramounts Magic of the Movie show.

Hope this helps!


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I was sitting outside of Emporium last year during fearfest at night and filled something out. The survey was about fearfest but I didn't do any of the things so I wasn't much help...or maybe I was if they were trying to figure out what kind of people don't participate in any of the FF stuff at all.... Halloween is almost my favorite Holiday but I go to PKI for the coasters!

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