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Next ride removed


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Contrary to popular opinion, PKI doesn't remove rides every year, infact, they rarely do, and when it happens, there's generally a very good reason behind it. Since most, if not all, attractions are operating well and are fairly popular, it's unlikely PKI will remove anything anytime soon. You may see some ride relocations next year though, or possibly a removal, but I think it's unlikely. Then again, I really know nothing about next year, so I really can't say.

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But, comparing Vortex to Top Gun is comparing apples to oranges (yeah, I know, cliche'). It is true. They are totally different experiences and Top Gun is a little newer so that factors in as well. I really don't know if anything will be removed after this season. Maybe the non-operating side of the Antique Cars. This would make sense, at least it would clean that ride up a little.

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  Dxrunner said:
Antiques gone, period end of story laugh.gif ( just a wild guess laugh.gif )

HAHA man i asked jeff siebert if the antiques are history he just went on and on about all the rumors out there. he said his favorite was that they were going to move the tiques behind TR:TR and put in a B&M Flyer called Return of The Bat. then he said Watch out for the Return of The Bat laugh.gif Man that guy knows how to handle questions. i guess i just got took to school from the best in the buisness

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  WildCat said:
  RyGuy said:
What will be the next ride removed ?  blink.gif

Well in that late 80's this happend every year. KI took all of the good flat rides out and did not replace them.

Yeah, alot of really good rides were removed then, but most if not all of the removals had good reasons behind them. Still, I'd love to see PKI take a year off from major attractions construction and build back up Coney's lineup of classic flats, and add a new water slide to BB the same year to balance the addition of old attractions. I wouldn't like that year to be 2005 though, as I do think we need a new coaster.

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Can someone look at a park guide, and see if the 'tiques still have a corporate sponsor? The sign in front of the ride used to say "Presented by John Nolan Ford." This year, there is no sign of sponsorship in front of the ride itself.

It may just be that the dealer ended their inteterest in ride sponsorship...but with what Shaggy said earlier in the season....

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John Nolan Ford did pull there sponsorship of the ride this year. Mabey because they lost interest? Or I could be another reason...

And a note, The razor company pulled there sponsorship of Top Gun aswell this year.

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I think Vortex will be there for a while. As for the cars I don't think they will be. There's still a lot of people that ride them though. I don't know. I just don't see them being around too much longer.

~actionzone~ cool.gif


Food services 1st year

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Here is what I have herd that could be removed, Congo Falls, Top Gun, Antique Cars, Vortex, and Green Slime Zone. I am not saying this is ture, i'm just saying what I herd. I'm even saying I belive it all. SO DONT YELL AT ME, IF YOU DO NOT LIKE WHAT I AM SAYING!

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  Dxrunner said:
Gilhette Pulled there sponsership this year???? Does that mean Top gun might leave soon??

Hopefully, a new top gun coaster (B&M Preferrably), just take the arrow supended, and replace it with the new top gun coaster, or just take out the area, and expand AZ

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  Dane said:
John Nolan Ford did pull there sponsorship of the ride this year. Mabey because they lost interest? Or I could be another reason.

I was at the park on the 30th and the water fall for the lake in the middle of the old fashion cars was turned off. Some of the parts that had water where all dry and look like they just took out a bush. I saw them repairing Congo Falls that day also so not sure not sure about that ride.

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Lets think about contracts and ridership before listing rides to be removed:

Nickelodeon has a contract with PKI for Nick Central. Whats the biggest thing in Nick? Watermaze. Yeah Reptar is big, but its kinda pointless to have Nick Central with one ride in it.

Top Gun, for all I know is still in their contract with PKI.

Express is the 2nd most popular ride in the park, due to the low height restriction and theming.

I highly doubt Vortex. Its a good people pusher, and ridership is still high.

Probabily not Congo either. Its the only water ride on that side of the park, and on busy days its pretty busy down there.

Tiques, just like Express, is popular with a wide age range (Even teens. They just love abandoning cars in the middle of the track late at night) so its probabily not going anywhere.

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  SOB_TOM said:
Lets think about contracts and ridership before listing rides to be removed:

Nickelodeon has a contract with PKI for Nick Central. Whats the biggest thing in Nick? Watermaze. Yeah Reptar is big, but its kinda pointless to have Nick Central with one ride in it.

Top Gun, for all I know is still in their contract with PKI.

Express is the 2nd most popular ride in the park, due to the low height restriction and theming.

I highly doubt Vortex. Its a good people pusher, and ridership is still high.

Probabily not Congo either. Its the only water ride on that side of the park, and on busy days its pretty busy down there.

Tiques, just like Express, is popular with a wide age range (Even teens. They just love abandoning cars in the middle of the track late at night) so its probabily not going anywhere.

I agree with you.

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  SOB_TOM said:
Lets think about contracts and ridership  before listing rides to be removed:

Nickelodeon has a contract with PKI for Nick Central. Whats the biggest thing in Nick? Watermaze. Yeah Reptar is big, but its kinda pointless to have Nick Central with one ride in it.

The Park owns Nick and all of the cartoon rights. Also their are two rides in Nick Central. If anything goes in Nick it will be the Watermaze and the stage area. All of the other Paramount parks have added more rides to their Nick Central why not PKI?????? I can see more kids rides and a Flat or small coaster in 2005.

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In order to keep the Nick area open, guys from Nickelodeon have to come out and inspect the area, making sure it is up to Nick standards. How do I know this? I had to deal with them, and they put my boss in a grumpy mood.

How do you know that nothing else is going into Nick Central? Noone does. And why would PKI pay to pave the entire stage area for a meet and greet area if they were just going to remove it? One giant 10ft. footer?

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