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KIC Haunt Day 10/5/12


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Sorry I won’t have any photos in here, but the computer is driving me nuts, so I don’t have any. Anyways, me and my mom got to the entrance around 5:20 and saw Jonathan (jcgoble3) and a tall guy holding a KICentral Haunt Night Sign who I assumed was Malem (Matthew). A little bit later, Beastie1980 walked up to the group with her parents. Stashua123 then greeted us, also saying he was going to be with someone else for the night. A little later, Ronny (Gordan Bombay) asked if he could take a picture of the group for Ryan (Boddah), so we all got together + my non KIC Member mom, and het took a picture, which can now be seen in another topic.

The other KICers decided they would do Wolf Pack at park opening, but I really didn’t think I was ready for Wolf Pack, and this is my first time at Haunt. I also wanted to get pictures from the Eiffel Tower of SOB demolition.

The speakers started playing some creepy voiced guy talking, and I wasn’t starting to feel any better. The gates than opened up, and scaractors came running out. I made my way thru them to the entrance. Right when we got in, there was this loud explosion that really scared me. Really caught us all off guard. I then split up with the group to the Eiffel Tower, and we would meet with them again later.

I made my way thru some tall scareactors and headed to the Eiffel Tower. Unfortunately, it was closed. SO, what other choice to than Diamondback? We made our way thru the foggy Freak Street, where I did not see any Scareactors. My mom stopped at the restroom, and I watched Jack scare teenagers. When she came back out, we headed over to Diamondback.

Diamondback was a walk on, and a great ride. We didn’t get any texts, so we went on Diamondback again for another walk on. Another great ride. Still no texts back, so we headed to The Beast. The Beast was a walk on, and of course a great ride. There wasn’t any fog, though. We got a text back, mentioning going thru Wolf Pak and Club Blood. We also got a text from my dad, saying to meet him at the front gate.

I met up with my dad around a bunch of scareactors and such. We ended up walking back to Flight Deck, through some scareactors, and Nightmare Alley and Grimm Blvd. We literally walked on to Flight Deck, and had a great ride. WE then headed over to Delirium, but only me and my mom rode, because my dad dosen’t do Delirium. It began sprinkling while we were in line. We took a ride in the drizzle, which was a lot of fun, after about a 5 minute wait.

I decided for my first Haunt, I would try Tombstone Terror Tory when it opened at 8, so we headed over there. My dad was hungry, and saw they were selling Apple Pie at Rivertown Funnel Cakes, so he had to stop there to get some. We waited awhile for it, and he enjoyed it. We were able to meet Jonathan and Matthew in the train station, and waited a few minutes for the train. In the spoiler bar, I have a review on what I thought of Tombstone Terror Tory, which obviously contains spoilers.

We boarded the train, and the train operator was saying some stuff through the microphone, but it was so crowded and loud I couldn’t hear what. The train stopped in about a minute, and we quickly exited to the left. We got into a small line, and waited a couple minutes. We then lined up and waited behind a net, and then we were allowed in. It was basically filled with crates, some having scareactors jump out, some not. There was also a few surprises and some really foggy bridges, which you really can’t see in. I thought it was pretty scary, and my mom sure had quite a few good scares. Overall, I think it’s worth going in, but it might just be me and not much experience with Haunt.

After Tombstone, my dad was starting to have enough with the rain, and he headed out. Me, Matthew, my mom, and Jonathan got in line for Diamondback. The line was backed up into the queue house, but the line moved really fast, and was probably only 5 minutes. Me and my mom rode a ride before Jonathan and Matthew, because of some line issue stuff. The rain made the ride a lot different, and that rain was just crashing on you. It was a fun, cold ride.

When Jonathan and Matthew were done riding, we split up yet again, because they wanted to get some more mazes in, but I really didn’t want to do any more. Me and my mom headed over to The Beast for a rainy night ride. The line was just outside the entrance, but after about 5 minutes, the line still would not move, so we headed to do something else.

We decided to do Backlot, which had a pretty short line, about 5 minutes. Backlot was a fun, rainy ride. At this point, I really didn’t see any scareactors anymore. Since it was cold and rainy, we headed over to Flight of Fear. There was a bit of a line outside, and it was about 35 minutes. I watched the movie inside, and enjoyed the heat and dryness while it lasted. It was a fun ride on Flight of Fear. We decided to get something to eat at Hanks, but it was just getting closed up for the night.

We were able to meet Matthew and Jonathan in the Festhaus. I got some pizza and ate it in the festhaus. Matthew was getting texts from Coaster Fanatic 2012 and TTD-420-180, or the other way around. We decided to go meet them at Holiday Horror, but we never found them. We got a text back saying they went to Carnevil, but we waited and never was able to see them there either. My mom wanted to go thru Carnevil, but I didn’t, so Matthew took my mom into Carnevil and I waited outside in the rain with Jonathan. We never were able to locate them. By now, it was almost midnight, it was pouring, my shoes and feet were really wet, and it was just getting ugly. So, we decided to leave, and Matthew gave me the KICentral Haunt Night sign as a souvenir. Overall, I had a great first Haunt visit!

A couple of notes:

*Most of the rides, except for Eiffel Tower, seemed to be open. I’m surprised they were open into the rain.

*Due to the rain, there really wasn’t any scareactors throughout the park in the night.

*I spotted a raccoon in the festhaus!

Thanks for reading!

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