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I'll bite

My Desktop

Heres a little rundown of what I use everyday

Mozilla Firefox a better browser than IE

AIM and or Gaim if feel like it

IncrediMail easy to use and non evasive email client Really good spam fillters

PopFille My spam gruard program

Spybot Search and Destroy's Tea Timer

Rainlendar that calander you see on my desktop,

I like to run a pretty clean desktop myself at 1024x768 rez.

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If you're running DSL, AOL for Broadband isn't all that bad. You can utilize it to have your e-mail, stocks, favorite places, horoscopes... whatever all on one desktop. The only problem is, it holds onto cookies for a really long time, so for example, when we update PKIC, I still get the old version for about a day or so on AOL, but IE shows the new one.

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  shadow2k3 said:
I think I'm the only person on these forums who use a Mac. Though I own a windows computer, I'm just on my iBook right now. So you're getting my iBook desktop. Witness Mac OS X. tongue.gif

Once you go Mac, you can never go back!!!!

I have a stargate sg1 background on my iBook g4, but I have no idea how to put it on here so you can look at it.

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I own a 12" iBook G4. It's not that bad, and OS X is slightly better in Windows in some ways. I like them both. tongue.gif And I have a 3G iPod. So I'm a slight Applehead.

Anyway, for the Mac users that don't know OS X that well. You can get a screenshot of your Desktop by hitting Command (the cloverleaf thing), shift, and three. That's one thing I'm kinda iffy on with Macs, but I'll live.


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  Hoskins123 said:
You mac users are the same people that are voting for bush aren't you?

Im voting for Bush, but not because Im a Republican - I just dont like Kerry, and voting for a thrid party is throwing a vote away. Although trying to see a correlation behind system preference and political preference is foolhardy, I think I read in MacAddict that most Mac Users are liberals. Most PC users are conservatives. But who knows! laugh.gif

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  crosscountry4891 said:
and i have a 15 G 3rd gen iPod. wink.gif

Must be nice! biggrin.gif I am going to try and get an ipod mini with my bonus check from work in January, but for now all I can do is burn MP3 cds, and listen to them with my discman! I have a 12" iBook G4 with os 10.3.3. I also have an old beige G3 233 mhz, and a Packard Bell Pentium 1 PC. But the only thing I do with the PC is play RCT. I use the laptop for everything else!

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