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Crocodile Dundee's Boomerang Bay

DownUnder Thunder

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It seems that Paramount's Great America's Boomerang Bay will be themed and named after the Paramount film Crocodile Dundee. Proof of this is available here;http://www.pgathrills.com/attractions_new.jsp. So, it appears PKI's will also be receiving this name, as well. Pretty cool that they're going to atleast name and theme the water park to a Paramount film that fits with the Australian theme. Anyways, just thought I'd point this out.


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Honestly, what's so bad about the Crocodile Dundee theme? Everyone always mentions and asks what Paramount movie the next attraction could be themed to. I think that the theme works perfectly. It's Austrailian and Paramount Pictures-based. I mean this is just one more step for the park to be more Hollywood-esque. Lastly, I'd expect to see all future additions to have some sort of Paramount theme. It's kind of evident in all of PPI's additions this year.

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Right now, PKI can become one of 3 parks. An amusement park, a movie theme park, or, they can become a new breed, a park with a great water park, great originally titled coasters, movie themed rides, great kids area. I'd rather see them have atleast some original names. This sucks, bottom line. Paramount just took away whatever specialness BB had.

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Yeah, i totally agree. Paramount is too lazy to try to think up an original name for BB. Just like most of the other rides, they will both be themed the same. Let's see...how many rides have the same name throughout Paramount Parks? Drop Zone, Top Gun, Vortex, FoF, Tomb Raider, Top Cat's Taxi Jam, Runaway Reptar and so on...

But, does most of the general public know that the parks have the same theme? Does most of the general public care if they have the same theme? Probably not. They will be happy just because it's a new water park. And PKI is just there to make the general public happy, right?

I'm just happy that they didn't have each water park have the same rides. If they would have given them the same rides I would have been VERY upset and angry. As long as the rides are original I'm ok...I guess

I just looked at the PGA website and some of their rides have the same names as our rides like: Down Under Thunder, Tasmanian Typhoon, and Jakaroo Landing. But wait...they have Kookaburra Cay not Kookaburra BAY. mad.gif

Edited by crosscountry4891
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Sounds like a step towards the "movie park" title that they are going for....Ok for all you name haters out there. Seriously, get over it. It's a freaking name to a waterpark. On top of that, PGA is clear across the country! IT'S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. The GP won't give a darn and neither should you.

Edited by AZ Kinda Guy
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Dear Lord, you guys complain more than the GP when TRTR is down! Get over it! Its a name. You can call it The Waterpark for all I care, just get over that its named after Crocodile Dundee, who in his day was a very popular character. So for you haters, GET OVER IT!

Tom, who is very annoyed by the fact that PKI is giving us a new waterpark, and people are ripping it to shreds about A NAME!

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