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No coaster, then what?


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This is a remake of the post "what if" by the banned member coasterfans. He posed the question asking what do you think the park would get if all of those coaster rumors weren't true. We have all heard the coaster rumors flying around, lets hear some non-coaster ones!

(Question originally posted by coasterfans)

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Im with tiny....he put earlier somewhere to destroy AT and put in another Huss flat...Im all for it but would rather have a coaster. Umm other than that though I dont have many hopes or anything because why wish and dream or whatever unless you know for sure and none of us do. So if its a coaster (giga, strata, flyer, themed, or whatever) or another flat, either way im sure it will be a great ride and we will all be in shock and amazement

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Just my 2 cents, but if they do get something new, I'm sure that it'll be big. I mean the last few attractions they've gone with have been bigger and better right? So I'm sure we all won't be dissapointed. But, I would like to see a suspended steal coaster, maybe looping as well.

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Maybe I'm in the minority, but I'd be fine with something other than a new coaster. Maybe add one or two new flats...or as Diana said - something the whole family can ride. I consider Delirium one of (if not the best) additions PKI has made in years. I'd be very happy with a non-coaster if it is something as great as Delirium.

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I'd be happy if they brought back Kenton's Cove Keelboat Canal, but we all know that won't happen. But, I'd also be happy if they got one or two new flats in-- Canada's Wonderland's Shockwave looks like a blast, and I think it would be awesome if we got one of those.

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Who knows what they will get if they don't get a coaster. I for one think that the park is screaming for a large steel coaster. It's the one and only thing that PKI lacks right now. They have great non coaster thrill rides, great family & water rides, and a great waterpark, a good steel would put the park over the top. I suppose that they would do another flat type ride, but I think that the time has finally come.

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The park has added some really cool non coaster atttractions in recent years such as Tomb Raider, Delerium, and Drop Zone, so even if the park did not get a new coaster next year they could still add something good.

If they were to add a non coaster ride, I think another Huss giant ride or a well themed elaborate water ride is what I would like to see them get.

Although they have two Huss Giant flat rides (Delerium and Tomb Raider), these rides seem to real popular and I really like Delerium. I am not sure what other type of giant ride that PKI could get (they already have a frisbee and top spin) but these large flat rides do not take up a lot of space and offer a good thrill. Some possible locations they could put one is: near the lake across from the dormit Antique Cars, perhaps in Coney Mall if they moved a few things around or maybe behind The Racer, or by Delerium (Delerium did not take up all of King Cobra's land plot).

A themed water attraction is another possibility that I think would be a good move for the park. PKI now has one less water ride when they replaced the other log flume with Tomb Raider. The park is also has a new direction and appears to be trying to become more of a theme park. This can be shown by the parks new website and slogan, their recent additions such as Tomb Raider and Boomerange Bay which are themed attractions. A really elaborate themed attraction similar experience to rides such as Journey to Alantis at Sea World Florida, Splash Mountain at Disney Parks, and Dudley Do-Right Ripsaws Fall at Island of Adventure, would be really cool. They could easily theme a ride like this to some movie. A water ride like this allows the typical slow parts to be interesting by having theming elements tell a story and build suspense for the big drop.

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Have we all forgotten?? What about a new carousel! That ought to do the trick.

No just kidding, but seriously. I'm not counting on a new coaster, and would be still pleased without one, but I think whatever comes next will be a more thrilling type of ride. Maybe something this park hasn't seen yet, to kind of "spice" things up I guess you could say.

But we all know this is heresay and wishfull thinking, and hopefully some of ours may come true soon.

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I have a question....basically we are in "agreeance" that tiques is going going gone, right? I mean there is even a topic in here about, so I was just thinking at oscars this morning when a bell went off in my head. If tiques goes or gets moved, there isnt enough space in that area for a 1) giga 2) hyper or 3) strata if I am not mistaken, steel or not. So my brain started thinking, ok except the fact it will not be the coaster ( unless we all get really lucky) but what kind of flat will it be? Will it be a top spin, frisbee, tower of some kind, indoor, outdoor, movie, something disney style (themed), etc, etc... This was just a thought of mine though. What do you guys think?

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Personally, I'd love to see PKI build another dark ride, maybe something like Spider-Man(hey, I can dream)or Indiana Jones at Disneyland(my favorite ride of all time). As for if Tiques' space is big enough for a coaster, well, yes, it is. If they wanted a hyper there, I guess if they went with Intamin and used something like Millenium Force's lift system they probably could, or just take the lift hill over the path and to the right of the pond back there. It's possible. What else could we get besides a coaster? That'll be a good question for 2006. wink.gif

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You all would be surprised with the area Tiques takes up. I was at the top of the tower one day and decided to look down at Tiques to just scope it out since that seems to be the #1 rumor going around right now. Look at the area Vortex takes, then look at Tiques. It looks about the same (Vortex does seem to take a bit more room though). Now obviously a ride like Beast could not fit there, but a smaller one like Vortex and FoF that is more compact could easily fit there. Right now I am just sitting back and waiting for the announcement, even though I'm wanting to know what it is also (yes, employees don't always know what the new ride is!)

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  PKI Homey said:
If not a coaster, then a Huss Jump 2.

I don't know if you've ridden one, but the reviews of the one at Canada's Wonderland (it is there right?) hasn't gotten very good reviews.

How about we get another Giant Top Spin and see if the "regular" folk can figure out that they're the same thing.

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Why would they put a new flume ride in when they just removed one a few years back? I don't think the demand is there anymore for rides like Amazon Falls. I like Tanner's idea of a Giant Top Spin outdoors and see if anyone notices that there are two in the park.

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  Tanner said:
  PKI Homey said:
If not a coaster, then a Huss Jump 2.

I don't know if you've ridden one, but the reviews of the one at Canada's Wonderland (it is there right?) hasn't gotten very good reviews.

How about we get another Giant Top Spin and see if the "regular" folk can figure out that they're the same thing.

Since my home park is PCW I can help you with this one. The Huss JUMP2 which we recieved as our new ride in 2003 is an amazing ride to look at as well as ride. About the reviews you have seen, most of the ones I have read are hitting along the lines that it's semi-mild, and not as thrilling as it looks.

While it doesn't give you the same feeling as a Giant Frisbee (Delirium) in terms of speed and force it's still a great ride.

Every time I go to the park I love getting on Sledgehammer, and feeling the anticipation as it gains speed and then launches you up over a 100 feet in the air. Then waiting to be thrown back down to the ground, if you think you have lost your stomach on other rides like Monster, wait til you ride this one.

One of the best elements is the arrangement of the seats where you can see other peoples faces as they are directly across from you. It's a world class ride in my eyes, and PKI fans would definately like the ride after riding it.

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  TraderJake said:
Canada's Wonderland's Shockwave looks like a blast, and I think it would be awesome if we got one of those.

Shockwave is without a doubt one of the most intense rides I have ever ridden. I was talking about the JUMP2 (Sledge Hammer) in the post above, but trust me if you are looking for intensity and thrills the Mondial TopScan is definately the way to go.

This ride is out of control, and tosses your body and legs in every direction. The arm you are sitting on rotates while the body of the ride at a huge angle, it's a very good expierence.

Out of all the flats at PCW, I would have to rate this one my favourite. Although once a day is definately enough for me. While I could ride our JUMP2, Giant Frisbee, or Top Spin all day long.

I think this was mentioned before, but down on the left side of Coney Mall just before the Action FX Theatre, I noticed an empty ride area including the queue area and operator's station. This could be a good spot to add a flat, and the raised location would add to the thrill.

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It would be great to have a mix between a flat ride and a roller coaster :-) They could have you in a big car like tomb raiders, then once the flat ride part was over, they'd send you on your way up the lift hill of the roller coaster. Not very likely though. 3 of my top 5 favorite rides of all time are flat rides, so I guess I want a flat ride. Not that a roller coaster would be bad.

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  Xx2cansamxX said:
It would be great to have a mix between a flat ride and a roller coaster :-)  They could have you in a big car like tomb raiders, then once the flat ride part was over, they'd send you on your way up the lift hill of the roller coaster.  Not very likely though.  3 of my top 5 favorite rides of all time are flat rides, so I guess I want a flat ride.  Not that a roller coaster would be bad.

There are roller coaster trains that resemble that of a flat ride, although it doesn't have the elements of a flat ride built in. An exmaple would be Oblivion at Alton Towers. It's a B&M Dive Machine, and there have been rumours that PKI could be installing one soon.

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