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Well, I get to the park around 10:30, very angry at my parents for being so slow because I was late for the fun of the Eagles! I did get to ride with FoF, but I didn't get many snaps. I got a few, but thats it, a few.

Well, then FoF, SOBRider, and Rob (chuck's bro) all head over to FoF's current ride, TRTR. There is practically no line, but then we find out that SOBRider couldn't fit! Even with the help of FoF, master of pushing restraints, we couldn't get him in. Well, with one man down, another of the men takes a casualty. Yes, I had heard of everyone talking about their balls getting killed on TRTR, but it never happened to me yet, untill today. Halfway through the ride I was going, "OW!!!! MAN THAT HURTS!!!!!!!"

Well after that, I headed to Oscars and have lunch and then figured that I had some extra time, so I went over to Coney Arcade to get a quick DDR game in, then hurried back to my locker, got my uniform, then went to work.

Shortly after that, I see FoF and co. come into the station. We get FoF in with no problem, but then SOBRider and Rob come in, and all of us weaklings (yes, I admit, we must be the weakest crew in the park) couldn't get the restraint down enough. I felt so bad that we had to tell them they were too big!

Well, after awhile of checking restraints, I was sent to greeter. Most of it was fine, except for this one instance. This one lady and her kid came up to the line, and the kid was really close to the height restriction, so I had to check her. Then I ask the kid if she has a bracelet, but she didn't. Then the mother goes on and on about how she had a bracelet yesterday, so I think, if this is true, then she will be taller than the bar. So I take the kid up, and the bar swings over her head. Of course, the mother explodes, acting as if it were the kid's fault for being too short. Other than that and the ocasional "Please do not sit on the railing", it was fine!

Well, then I get called into the building, to find out that I am being released from work 2 hours early. I think, yes! 2 hours for rides!

So the first thing I think of: Scooby! I get in line, and love the theming! I get in the ride, and start blasting. Some of the parts were actually somewhat scary! At this one point, this bookcase starts to fall towards the car, and I was definatly not expecting that! Well, at the end, I see my score, 1710. Definatly beats my friends score of less than 1000.

I then decide to ride The Beast, where I run into one of my friends from school. We meet up at the exit and decide to go around the next hour and half together (he is a newbie in food, this was his first day).

We then decide to ride Vortex. Of course, halfway up the hill he exclaims, "I forgot how much I hate this ride!" Then of course, his glasses fall out of his pocket, but he thinks it his change! When the ride stops, he says, "Oh wait, these are my glasses! I think it wasn't a smart idea for me to step on them a couple times then!"

Well, then there was Spongebob. All I can say is.... HORIBLE!!!! The sound was so messed up that the sound effects were extremely loud, but the voice was so quiet you couldn't hear most of the jokes! I did like the paddle ball though, lol.

Well, I am then off to the arcade for some more DDR, but when I am playing one of the non-stop courses, this one girl comes up to the pad, and stands there on the pad! Well, after complaining to a sup there, I get my money back and got to try again, and got my name on the machine again (#4 score)

And that was pretty much my day at PKI! Once again, I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry about what happened at FoF today, I will try to get my crew working a bit harder next time something like this happens.

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