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PKI Grad Night


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So check it,

I drive back from my co-op job in Bloomington, IN just for another fun weekend of work at Kings Island. I pull into the parking lot to see the mass of busses and cars in the parking. I'm sorta oblivious and thinking its dead just because they weren't parked out to the camp ground.

I get through the employee metal detector at like 8pm and suprised cause I didn't get yelled out for scanning my own ID. Head across the front gate towards Action Zone. Why is it that when you are alone you don't get attacked by the key hole photo people even though there is a huge line of them and no one coming in the gate at that time?

I head straight for Delirium. I get to the line and see they are back into the covered area and it looks like the whole queue line is full so I say F*** this and will come back later. Heck I haven't riden all the rides yet this year, I might as well head to Rivertown instead.

I figure I might as well hit TR:TR even though its not my most favorite ride. I figure I can stand to wait and ride it again (since it had been since last May that I rode it) Of course, it was closed. No big deal to me really. Move right on to The Beast where of course tons of those high schoolers are swarming at the same time. So I pick up the pace to get in front of them. (They were being loud and obnoxious and I figured I could be in front ofthem and not have to look at them) We get right past the dude working the baby height check spot where we are at the end of the line and start waiting. Soon after I hear one of them say, "Eww, he's going to smoke" So, I turn around and see him putting a "black and mild" in his mouth and just say "You can't smoke in line, its against park policy" and he just looks at me. I point to the dude squating at look out and say, "He will kick you out of the park". Of course I fail to mention I work there and could do it myself, but that usually gets them ****ed and I didn't wanna have to wait next them with that out there for however long the line was. Suprisingly, he puts it away and just waits and didn't *****.

So, after getting past the "front/back" divide and half way up the line stops and they dispatch an empty train. People start freakin, I just laugh. Then they announce (even though I didn't hear it cause the speakers are either turned too far down or the guy just wasn't talking to loud) that the ride will be shut down for a while. Well that sets the black girls (no offense) into a tissy... "What the f***? The ride is closed!" They start turning around and leaving and yelling that down the whole line. Its amazing how easily they can clear out a line for you. What was a pretty full queue line (save for the extra lines in the houses not open) emptied in a few minutes leaving me in the station right in line for the front seat and barely anyone else there. After about a 15minute wait they get the ride back up and run the empty trains then let us on and the high schoolers rejoice. The lone coaster freak (me) does the same, only silently, laughing at the others.

Of course its front/left seat for me. (Why? I'll get to that) They don't dispatch us for quite sometime cause some dude in the back was stuck and couldn't get out. Finaly they get him out and we are on our way. Just remind you this was my first ride on The Beast this season, and it had just turned dark. I was loving it, front seat, dark, first ride. We get to the top of the hill and creep over the edge then its down we go. The first turn out of the drop is remarkably smooth. We hit the top of the hill and the trim (a secret favorit of mine) For me sitting in the front at that trim slows the train and causes me to fly up and have to hold onto the restraint for quite some time. I'm rather thankful that put a trim there, the resulting airtime is just great. Its then all out speed and screams the rest of the way, hit MCBR for a breif trim and then its back to full running into the tunnels. You know, its kinda freaky to be flying past fireflies as they light up inside the tunnel, cause you are sorta like, "What the f*** was that?" Going up the second lift you can see the newly reprofiled turn out of the first drop standing out like a sore thumb cause of the unpainted (or just bright new) wood. Now on to why I chose front/left seat. The train hurtles toward the helix, my arms up. No at the entrance, most people will pull their hands in at least a little (I like to sit in the back and watch everyone do that) but I just stick the up higher and listen to the people behind me scream cause they think I lost a hand. Though, to my suprise, they had lights on in the helix, so you could see the speed by the lights flying by but it took away the thrill of, "where the heck are we"

After probably one of the best rides I've had on The Beast I head to the arcade to play some DDR. Now its been a while (almost a year and a half) so I'm a bit rusty. I get my three dollars in tokens and start playing. I instantly fail on the first level but I'm a sport and pump in more tokens and keep going. I barely pass and move on then fail again. Pump in more tokens, pass but again fail on the second level. By that time a huge crowd of high school kids arive and are like "oh wow, ddr" Of course I'm feeling like an idiot so I step down and laugh as they attempt to play as well making me feel at least a little better about myself.

I look at the watch and its a little after 10 and its time to go home. Gotta be back at 7am for more fun at the island.

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I'm glad you had fun... I'm just happy everyone got home alive and not hurt!

Why a few people can ruin a night for the rest of us is beyond me. Personally, the park should have been closed early... that would have saved us a lot of trouble. I really think they need to get rid of Grad Night, then we wouldn't have to deal with any of the problems we had tonight!

Edited by DragonLord
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It was so gross, somebody left a black and mild on my cart. And somebody tried to steal a water out of my Coke caddy. I don't like grad night. Everybody was asking for free stuff. And the WIZ truck was parked next to me for a while. I hate rap.

Man i hear yeah i for one HATE RAP with a Passion! I dont like seeing young kids smoke its gross! iam a young adult i dont like the smell of smoke! i am glad PKI has smoking rules!

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i agree with PKI_GUY!!

Rock bands that scream? first off Rock was here before Rap!

Rap is Dumb they talk bout the same things over and over in almost all there songs!

thats why i Choose ROCK! at least i can understand what they saying!

Smoke= i think people who smoke wanna die young

but thats how i look at it you choose what you like and dislike

Sounds likeGrand Night was Awful...they should Scrap it and make it a Family Fun Night with a little discounts to familys!!!!

Edited by Dino2003
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Why are we fighting about music.... It has nothing to do with the park and is your own personal choice, people are allowed having there own opinions! And for the smoking... I personally do not like it but some people need it and that is why they are allowed to do it in some areas of the park. So we have to respect that and just let them be.

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matt, why are we fighting about smoking?


Anyway, to get back on topic, Grad Night is just another day that could be worked out so that it would be better. Everything that went on that night was handled well, although I still wish people would just leave that crap outside and not bring it into the park.

Maybe KI can do something to make sure only Seniors get in... like make all of them come on school buses with teachers attending them. Or they can make it so that all the tickets are given out to the schools only, and you can't buy them at the door and the tickets would have to have a school stamp on it. Maybe actually showing a school ID, even with a ticket, at the door would help. I don't know... but it seems to me that the problems we had might not have happened if we could have screened those guests out better at the door.

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