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Xtreme Skflyer (a first for me)


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i dont get it

first time for me on Xtreme i couldnt beleve what i just did but i got proof that it was my first time one of the members on pkiu is a securty guard i bumped in ito him after i got off xtreme i told him it was k he said i was crazy. But plese tell me your firsts on a (pay to play) rides

Edited by PKI_man
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Two stories, but neither are "pay to ride" rides:

1. I had never ridden Flight of Fear but had ridden nearly all the other rollercoasters at PKI. I was standing in line, not giving it a second thought. Remember, I'm 38 years old and really hadn't been riding any rollercoasters for the last 10 years, and had been catching up on them at PKI......so I wasn't exactly prepared, but still, I didn't think I needed to be. My buddy, standing in line with me had bungie jumped from 150', so he wasn't fazed by it. We get up to where they load the train and watch it shoot out like a rocket and we both look at eachother like "wow". It was kinda funny. I still wasn't scared, but I did say to him, "I'm not sure how I"m going to like this jet propulsion thing". The next thing I know I"m sitting on it ready to blast off. I hear the ride operator say, "clear" and hold my breath. All I can say is, "WOW". It was a cool ride, but I really wasn't prepared for how intense it can be. I really had no clue about the takeoff. I want to ride it again now that I know.

2. I hadn't ridden The Beast in like 5-10 years. My wife and I talked our 6 and 8 year old into riding it, telling them it was just a "little" bigger and faster than The Racer.....LOL. Well, I think me and my wife were more surprised how "OLD" we felt while riding it.....LOL.....and meanwhile, our kids loved it......too funny. That Helix on the second hill is still incredible and intense. I love rollercoasters, but I am getting old.

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  • 4 weeks later...

dude i work well worked on skyflyer and its not that bad..... is it? i remember people screaming their heads off just gettiong in the freaking suits! i swear this sucked b/c i had to talk them down then deal with them screaming again when i hooked them up to the cable. Yeah i'll admit that its a rush but is it that scary the first time... i didnt scream when i first did it yeah there is a fear of fallling but do you really think "I'm Gonna Die!!!!"

Thats all i got. biggrin.giftongue.gifbiggrin.giflaugh.gifohmy.gifhuh.gifunsure.gifblink.gifmad.gifblink.gifunsure.giftongue.gifbiggrin.gifhuh.gif

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