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Tr 8-29-03


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I had not planned PKI but I saw the park was open. I went.

I arrived to a dead park. Very few people there. ]

1st trip of the day was Scooby Doo's Haunted Castle. I got 1700 with a slowdown. Some of the animatronics were not working.

Next I walked leasurly though the glass shop and back outside down to the flyers.

I get down there and theres JEFF SIEBERT *sighs* j/k. I intoduced myself as the nut who made the fan page. Suddenly I hear Sobrider? I turn around and its Shadow2k3. Hes early for work he wants to ride The Beast. I joined him.

For a morning beast ride it wasn't too bad. Helix is still great though. I BS with shadow for a bit and we go our seperate ways.

I head back to a now operating flyers and Jeff says he wants me to show him what I got.

Great Pressure. I warned him I needed a few cycles to warm up.

I Flew around 4 cycles and by 4th one had a pattern going good with good hard snaps.

I left the flyers in search of water (it was muggy) no stands in sight I head to the AC wonder that is Spongebob in 3d.

Ive ridden the ride so many times its not funny. Funny still.

As I leave I see good old dragonlord. I join him for 20 or so mins while hes on patrol. The park was so dead security could of been fake and it would of sufficed. He goes on his lunch break and I am thristy so I decide to have some lunch.

I went to the mandorin chineese food place and got a combo. I relaxed for around a half hour. I took a restroom Break and went into Action Zone.

Having just ate SOB was out and so was Delirium or Face/off So I decide to hitup Top gun.

It was a walkon THAT TURNED INTO A 10 MIN WAIT! I was staning in my stall for 10 mins while the crew allowed girls and PARENTS to switch seats OVER 5 times. I wasn't happy but there was no one I knew down there nore at SOB. I would have to goto GR to express my unhappyness(I didnt theres a side story)

I then decide to ride Adventure Express for 2 cycles.

I head over to the fudge place in coney shop and BS with shadow for a bit(amost 45 mins) A CP local comes and talks with me for a while. (clever ruse to think im not loiterning) Ran over to bubba gumps and got a drink.

Came back Area manager was there. Here a weather report on the radio. I Plan to leave around 4pm. Its already 3 and I wanted to fly some more.

I got about 3 more rides in and the sky started to open. I decide its best to make my way back up to the front and leave. I do that but I figured Im already soaked go ride Son of Beast.

I did it sucked. Washboarding was horrible 2 cycles and it was enough.

I Then got a footlong at skyline and proceeded to eat it while riding Shake rattle and roll J/k. biggrin.gif

The place was dead. I road everything I wanted to ride. Very fun day overall!

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I was also at the park today. I was there primarily because my uncle bribed me and my Dad into volunteering to work at one of the food stands to raise money for his cubscout pack (we`ll each get four tickets for next season too!). Since we didn`t have to report until 12, I got up there early.

The ACE walkback went to The Beast. There were about 10 ACErs there. Our first ride departed at 5 till ten. Upon arrival back in the station, we were told we could switch seats and ride again. Jeff Siebert had arrived at The Beast as well. After four straight rides in a row, we opted not to stay on for a fifth ride. By 11:10, we had riden Flight of Fear, Vortex and Delirium. We purchased our 2004 season passes and then went to the group volunteer check in.

We spent the day dishing out subs at Subway. After we got off at 7, we proceeded to get our 2004 passes processed in the Parmount Theater. We hoped on Face Off (there was no line for this ride at all). The skys were getting darker, and we tried to ride Drop Zone and Delirium, but a storm was moving in and they were closed. By the time we arrived at our car, we were soaked. A fun day, even though I spent most of it working at Subway.

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I was also at the park today, although i have a slightly different account since i arrived at around 7 and left at 9. I figured it would be a perfect time because it had just rained. I was partially correct. We arrive to absolutely no lines. I get my goldpass finally, which i had been putting off, and walk over towards Delirium. I rode this 6 times in a row, never missing a ride in between, because of the walk on wait. Then i was a bit sick of Delirium. We were heading to F/O when suddenly it starts to pour down rain. Most peopleare leaving, but we head to Flight of Fear by going under game awnings. By time we're there we're soaked, especially because water drains down toward the FoF entrance and we are stepping in it. Walking in, there is absolutely no one in the line. We get only in train in the front, and the ride is actually very comfortable being wet. Nice and cool. Riding this 3 times, we arrive for our last train. I wouldnt have minded riding it more, but they insisted on closing it around 7:45. This disappointed me, since the park wasn't closed, but then again why run the ride for 3 people...Anyway the park was basically dead today, it couldve been because of that severe storm warning across the announcing system though biggrin.gif

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