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9/6/03 work day


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Today was a great day to work... there was nothing going on and the people from GE were great! I love it when companies buy out the park, the guests are usually always good mannered, very clean and out right nice. They love the idea of having short ride lines, the longest I saw was DZ and TR at about an hour, and they love to have their coolers in the park. Not to mention the weather! It was wonderful outside today! No rain for the first time in like a month or so. This is how summer should be!

The downside to days like today are that people are too stupid to read the valid dates on their tickets before coming to the park, or they read them and don't care thinking they can get in anyway. I feel sorry for GR, they got b*tched at today more than they have in a long time by people with season passes, "good any day" tickets which are valid only on the days that are printed on the ticket, the Blockbuster cards, and the e-tickets.

PKI really should have planned some more for this month and ask Blockbuster not to sell tickets to the park during September. They also should have disabled the e-tickets on their website. That would have helped some. What we can't do anything about is the stupidity of the people who can't read the tickets or don't care about them and come anyway. We also can't do anything about season pass holders who are too dumb to read any of the paper work that was given to them while they got their pass, or to read the maps when they got to the park, or to check the website before coming. The park has ALWAYS been closed to the public in September, and if somehow you missed that then tuff.

We turned away a ton of angry people and some of the season pass holders were saying they will not get a pass for next year. Thank God! Less dumb people to deal with! I really wish we would have taken their names just to make sure they don't get one.

I know some people drive 3 hours or more to get to the park (don't they all?) and everyone has an excuse as to why they don't know that we are closed but it's always the park's fault for not advertising it better. Maybe next year they should add commercials that would air in all of Ohio, Indy and KY, and maybe beyond that says we are closed to the public? Of course, then someone would say they never watch TV or don't own one. Then add radio commercials! Then again, they won't listen to the radio during their 3 hour trip to the park, or before they decide to come.

No matter where you came from, how long it took you or any other sob story you can come up with, just be nice about it and don't yell at our staff. If you are going to be yelling at our staff, you don't need to be in the park. Yelling gets you nothing. The park was being very nice to some people that came a long, long ways and gave them the okay to buy a FULL PRICE ticket to get into the park. That is NEVER an option for season pass holders b/c you can always come back when the park is opened to the public. Even season pass holders that work with the companies that come in have to buy a ticket from their company... they are not allowed in with their passes during their company's day at the park.

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I worked at the Front Gate this morning and dealt with around 20 different people myself. I got cursed at, screamed at, and was called a variety of names but hey, it's what I do. I was exhausted when I got home around 8pm.

Overall, it could've been worse. Besides, we still have 6 more sell outs to handle (counting the GLCCGC night) so this is just the tip of the iceberg.


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I worked at the Front Gate this morning and dealt with around 20 different people myself. I got cursed at, screamed at, and was called a variety of names but hey, it's what I do. I was exhausted when I got home around 8pm.

Overall, it could've been worse. Besides, we still have 6 more sell outs to handle (counting the GLCCGC night) so this is just the tip of the iceberg.


At least you could go to PKI today. I couldn't because I don't work at either PKI or GE.

Hence, I took Mrs. Chef to the next best thing - The Beach Water Park. However, it was so cold, that we left after less than 2 hours and had lunch at Bob Evans.

Ironically, I wish both PKI and The Beach the very best of luck next season.

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I worked at the Front Gate this morning and dealt with around 20 different people myself.  I got cursed at, screamed at, and was called a variety of names but hey, it's what I do.  I was exhausted when I got home around 8pm.

Overall, it could've been worse.  Besides, we still have 6 more sell outs to handle (counting the GLCCGC night) so this is just the tip of the iceberg.


Couldnt have been worse that working Customer Service for Best Buy in a bad part of town wink.gif

Anywho, I was unaware Blockbuster is still selling. Maybe the ones in Cincy are, but the ones in Dayton arent.. at least my store isint.

Edited by PKILvr
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  • 3 weeks later...

hmmm..i have no idea what it would be to rent out the entire park but think about this. on a really good day DOT makes hmm...around maybe

(i cant remember exactly..i talked with one of my OD's about this renting out thing..) $6,000 maybe, give or take some profit given back in refunds. thats a good day..nice weather, say..mid july. to rent out JUST DOT it costs around $12,000. and thats just to rent out DOT. those are around the right numbers...i talked about it a few weeks ago and my memory isnt so great. but thats alot of money. so imagine what the whole park plus a few attractions is. more then my life is worth ill tell you that.

- these probably arent the right amounts of money..but you get the idea. its alot of money.

Edited by Xtremejulia
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Well, just think, you have to pay for EVERYONES salary who is working that day, you have to pay for maintenance on the rides, and any other services the park offers. Thats a lot of money already, and Im sure I missed something.

I love buyout days. Of course, working greeter at TR, we still get the same questions.

The best day I worked (and I thought it was wierd) was Pride Night. Not one single complaint, and those who we had to turn away from TR were not upset. They actually just kinda said, ok, we will check back later. It was great.

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