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Rides or look?


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From what i've noticed, PKI usually does an all in one: new ride and upkeep of that area.


Tombraider (2002)+ Revamp of Rivertown: new blacktop, new paint, new food stand, and more theming in the area.

Drop Zone and Face/Off (1999) + Revamp of Action Zone: New concrete, and renovation of food stands and shops.

Reptar and Wild Thorberries River Adventure (2001) + Revamp of Nickolodean Central.

I have a feeling whatever area gets a new ride in 2005 will also recieve some kind of renovation.

Edited by derbeast
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The new sign to replace the damaged one perhaps, or some fresh coats of blacktop to fix the old blacktop that has lots of potholes in it? Really the only sections of the park to not have an upgrade done lately are Oktoberfest and Coney Mall. (IS this past year with the foountains. Hanna Barbera Land this year with SDATHC and then tons of paint and work in `98. Nick Central in 2001, Rivertown in 2002, Action Zone in 1999, 2000, and 2003. Finally BB in 2004.) Bubba Gumps did open, but that is almost on the border of the two, and is an extremly nice improvement over the Oktoberfest Gardens. I think the next expansion/renovation/refurbishment of an area will occur in Coney Mall, possibly with the addition of a new ride in 2005, possibly of the thrill variety.

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That is ture Beastfreak. They got rid of the old signs on the rides that used to have lights around them. I used to like that feature and I am sad that the only ride in which lights like that remain are on The Vortex. However, The Racer`s new sign looked really nice and catchy and fit perfectly with the Coney theme.

Edited by CoasterRZ
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