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Longest Lines


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The line for WWC on a hot day is insane.... i found that out the hard way once, we would have had to wait almost 4 hours....at least. But since i didnt see that on the list i voted for DZ because capacity is so bad on it, and its very popular

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Oh God - don't get me started on WWC! I love the ride - but I think the shortest wait I ever had on it was like 1:15! I don't think it will be a long line on opening day though - too cold! laugh.gif

There have been times that I would not get in line for Beast because of the line. My first ride on Beast I waited about 45 mins. But then again - I wanted to ride in the very first seat. And there were several lone riders in front of me.

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Sometimes I find Flight of Fear to be extremely long. Last year, I went in April during spring break, and Flight of Fear was filled Outside and in the inside with that huge area. It was insane, But I happily waited for it. There were even teenagers who started cutting and arguments started to happen in the line inside. People started cutting in line on The Beast as well. Long lines get crazy.

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  UncleHenry said:
I voted FoF because IJST isn't even expected to open by the parks opening day. Did anyone notice how the media day for IJST is in May and not the parks first day? They aren't planning on opening IJST on opening day of the park.

Will there be two seperate media days for the opening of the park and IJST? And who exactly is eligible to attend the media day..given that this is my first year as a part of a media organization it would be cool to see if I can make to one of the media days.

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"And who exactly is eligible to attend the media day..given that this is my first year as a part of a media organization it would be cool to see if I can make to one of the media days."

Ummm, the media? Meaning, not the general public.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree, the waits for FOF can get really ridiculous. Drop Zone, not necissarilly line, but definitly the longest wait. Just the waiting line in the back (with the roof) will cost you at least an hour. The line never moves on that ride.

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