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I caught the early morning news this morning and they talked about how Boomerang Bay was scheduled to open this summer. They mentioned that the construction is going as scheduled and that the park intends to use Paul Hogan to endorse the park via TV commercials, but no mention of him making an appearance at the park itself.


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well, in my opinion, if paramount shelled out the money to have him to TV Commercials and endorsments, then i would bet they would just go ahead and sign him for at least one appearence at the parl (most probably opening day of BB). I'm willing to bet we'll see Hogan around the park on that day.

Think about it though... if we dont, is it really that upsetting? I mean its Paul Hogan... lol... its not like we are missing out on Angelina Jolie (i thought the impersonater looked better anyway).... :D Guess we'll just have to wait till may.

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Mr. Hogan won't be visiting PKI this year...at least he isn't scheduled to anway. :)

Please keep in mind that Mr. Hogan is not only pitching Crocodile Dundee's Boomerang Bay for PKI, but for another Paramount's Great America as well. I'm most certain that Mr. Hogan is filming both sets of commercials simultaneously.

It wouldn't surprise me if PKI hired an actor who resembles Crocodile Dundee (Paul Hogan) on Media opening day as they hired look-a-likes of Lara Croft (Angelina Jolie) and Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks) for TR:TR and Bubba Gump Shrimp Shack respectively.

Have a great day!

Italian Chef


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