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IJST line


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I rode the IJST. Wile I was waiting in line they put all these street signs up around the que line. they must of put these up yesterday. I guess they are not done with the theming for the ride yet. If you guys go some time this week you should check it out. The line looks really cool now it has all the street signs up.

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the signs are cool to look at b/c they use a lot of humor in them. My two personal faves are one that says, "Slow: As If You Had Another Option", and a picture of a chicken crossed out (it's supposed to mean "No Chickens" for you visualy-impaired people).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know I put this in a post but I think it was lost b/c of the tech problem...They were playing the Mean Girls preview thing which includes the word "slut" which I find completely rude and offensive especially for a family coaster.

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I don't mean to be rude, but I know my comment will come across that way:

If the word "slut" offends you in today's world, even for a family coaster, you seriously need to consider the world we're living in. Living rooms across the world today are being exposed to much more "offensive" content...sex, drugs, war, death, curse words (the 7 dirty words that you can't say on TV come to mind here...not words like slut), etc. are all being broadcast on TV and radio, on CDs, and even communicated via friends. It's just the world we're living in today.

If the word "slut" offends you, you may wish to lock yourself in your bathroom and void yourself of any television, radio, telephone, and communication with the outside world...otherwise, you're in for a big surprise.

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It offended me b/c I thought it was incredibly tacky (and so did several people in line) that they would air something in family coaster where kids would/could hear it. I'm sorry but would you use the word slut in front of a kid no! Dumb point but....Are you allowd to say slut in school, no. Why? B/c it is extremely offensive! I don't know how to put this, but I was let down that PKI would drop to the level that TV and other medias are coming to today. You can regulate what your kids watch and listen to though (protecting them from such things). I'm sure every parent out there that heard it would be shocked that they would have to watch out for what the park is advertising. By using it there, parent's could then wonder "Where else in the park am I going to have to worry about my kids hearing disrespectful comments. If they use the word 'slut' in a family ride, what should I expect at one of the more grownup/teenage attractions?"

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