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FearFest 2005 Dry Run Night


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Got dropped off at the bus stop and had to walk all the way to the front gate from the main road. I noticed that there were hardly any people here to begin with, probably from them not handing out enough tickets. The Eiffel Tower looked cool lit up, though.


I had just handed my ticket in and walked into International Street, which was DEAD. I guess everyone was already in the back of the park. As I made my way to the back, I ran into some old friends from Rides/ECO, namely Willie, Brandon, Brittany (IJ:ST), and Sarah (ECO). It was then that I joined some of the Rides crew members as we headed for the new area-Curse of Sleepy Hollow.


Already, I could see the fog rising from the floral clock, and screams had filled the air. I had seen Massacre Manor already from last year (originally Sleepy Hollow Horror), so it wasn't surprising. What WAS surprising, though, was walking through the new cornSTALKERS maze. The fog and darkness really helped keep a vast majority of the costumed characters well-hidden, especially one laying underneath a wagon, which got me and another girl pretty good. From there we headed for the train, and Headless Hollow.

I'll have more soon when I get a chance to write. C U l8r.

-The RingMaster

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Yeah. If you mean that black kid that had the camera and was trying to get the creepers to scare the girls, then yeah.

8:30-Headless Hollow

Joining up with some new Rides friends of mine, we hopped on the train for a quick trip to the "Western Woods." Suddenly, though not surprisingly, the train apparently "broke down", leaving us to walk back to the main park-through the woods! I won't spoil the rest, but, trust me, this is one amazing ride!

8:45-Fear Street Nights

Our next trip was to Coney Maul (where all of the creepers were) and to the last new maze, Fear Street. The facade for this had completely changed within the past few weekends, from a dark and foreboding mansion to a homely and unkempt single-family home. However, this proved to be quite an understatement, as we came to face-to-face with some nasty residents who didn't want us to leave. It pretty much was the original House of Darkness with some re-theming to R.L. Stine's Fear Street books.

9:10-Maze of Madness

Hands down, this is my favorite maze of this year so far. There's no need to explain this maze in detail without giving out three simple items it is comprised of-chain-link fencing, mirrors, and strobe lights. Not to mention the fog and crazed lunatics running rampant through the place. Almost everyone in our group (seven was our entire group, though we had split up after Headless Hollow) had gotten scared good or got lost in here.

More later. If not sooner.

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Our group got stuck in the Maze of Madness, and eventually got seperated inside. It was interesting! I wish I would have gone through some more... I didn't really like Fear Street. The train would have been great to ride! Maybe later this month I'll get a chance to go and experience it.

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