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Family Trip 8/7 and 8/8


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Well we left for the park about 7:30 or so with my family me, dh, kids ages ds 6, dd 4, dd almost 2, and my sister age 20. We got to the park about 10:20 or so did perfered parking since we had to make a few trips to and form the car, ect., we loaded up the stroller and off we went. Right thorugh the searches, ect. and headed stright for the kids stuff, scooby doo was first waited about 20 min or so, was kinda disapointed, the guns didn't work very well at all.... the wait wasn't quite worth it even for the kids. Next ds and my sister rode the fairly odd coster, he loved it mean while me and dh took younger kids on the airplains (lazy town ??), that was a BIG waste of time 25 min in line for hot sticky ride, awful. Next we all went to try and get ds to ride reptare, he refused, so we headed to the wide thornberry's water log ride, me and dh took dd4 and ds6 on it, ds loved it dd cried and screamed all the way off it... she HATED it LOL, line was about 15 min or so. We went to find some lunch at Festhaus, it was OK food but not Great at all, out ragous prices but i expected that buy reading this board enough, oh well we got in the Air conditioning for a while anyways. then we headed off the Action Zone for adult time, first up me and my sister did Delirium first for both of us, it was GREAT!!! we really loved it although think we should have eat after riding!!! But DH didn't want to go on it and i'm kinda glad, I'm not sure how guys were riding it, seems like it could be painful for a men in the manly area... and i might want more kid some day! LOL So dh and my sister rode drop zone, ds refused again... so we took him back hoping to get him on top gun and get a hight braclet, we talked with the attendents at the Son of The Beast ride and they measured ds for us and called the Top Gun to get him a braclet but dh took him up there and he still refused to ride but go bracletted, then me and my sister got in line for face off, waited about 20 min the a storm front moved in and the rides started to shut down, it got really windy and nasty for a min or two then calmed down a bit, we headed to the outer limits knowing it would most likley still be running it was about 3:30 and we planed to hit the water park then but knew it wouldn't be running with thunder storms....

So Flight of Fear for me and dh, waited about 45 min or so great ride as always! I think it might be one of my favs. When we got out the rain had passed so i headed to the car to get out swim bag out of the car, and dh and my sister took the kids to the picnic area to wait for me, we got into the water park about 5 so only 2 hours to go, we took the kids to all the kids areas and me and my sister rode the Typhoon, it was really fun remember when they say HANG on they mean it, she about got her skinny butt poped out right as you go into the funal! Then the park was closing so we changed clothes again, and back to the park we went. Off the find super at wings dinner, and we finally talked ds into riding a coaster again, off to The Racers we went ds had to ride it once with dh forward, once with me forward then with my sister backwards, all walk ons, he LOVED it, so we then went to the Adventure Express, he rode it once with me and once with my sister again walk ons, Then back to Action Zone to sweeze in face off, no wait so me and sister went in the front/ back car, it was a lot harder on you then the middle cars, then back to top gun to give it a try, first with my sister, and then with dh while waiting for fire works to start, they got back just in time... back to find our hotel for a night of rest!!! stayed in monroe Hampton inn, very nice and saved $60 over the hampton by Kings Island only about a 15 min drive, and no interstates to get there...

next morning we got there about 9:40 parked and walked right in, went to the Itallian job first thing b/c the line was very long the day before. So my sister and ds got inline and were about 4 back when it had "minor techical issues" so they waited about 10 min and had about 4 people come in and look at it, ran 2 empty cars through and on they got, he liked it too!!! Me and dh took him back on it right away waited about 20 min or so. It was a very good ride, kinda short but good. Then took the kids back to the nick zone so the girls could ride some things. They went on the go deigo go, backyardigans, azul, giggle coster, nick o round, phyntom fliers, swiper, and SB BB bash water stuff.... since the kids were dirpping anyways we went ot the white water rapids, except for me and the girls, they were dripping more so we went to lunch at the 50's dinner to air out a little. changed the kids clothes so they would be comfy. Me and sister rode tome raider, it was about 25 min wait, good ride, and story line, but there was tons of trash sitting along the line, it was kinda gross. Then to see sponge bob but it was closed till 4pm so we had to watch scooby and friends, i had to sit up front with the girls and the rest in the chiars, ds said all movie shoudl have those kinda chairs! LOL

Then we started the final rounds, walked on to The Vortex, beast waited about 25 min, and my sister needed to go on the fligh to fear waited about 45 min again there. Then back to kids zone to go on reptare and avetar, they both had about 25 min lines, good rides but the wait was a little much i think... Then we headed home.

Over all it was a nice trip, but i will say i think the park needs some work... it's gone down hill in 4 years since i've been there i think, there was a lot of trash laying around on ride line, ect. over all the pavement i don't think had been pressure wated all season??? B/c my legs and feet were black by the time i left, the lines were just not something i was use to after being at disney 4 times since my last PKI trip since they have the fast pass/ baby swap thing, i wish i wouldn't have had to keep waiting in line after my husband b/c was had a child that couldn't ride... And my feet never looked like that after a day at disney, so i don't think they were black from the pavement it was that it was that dirty and nasty.... As i said it was nice and 1/2 the price of disney $25 per day with 2 days for the price of one and not the $60 disney ticket, but i think my sister go so sick of my compairing it to disney !!! LOL

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You can tell she has visited the Disney forums a few times. I catch my shelf doing the same thing.

I try to stay as far away from the Disney forums as possible.

...Disney fans are scary. unsure.gif

(what do those codenames mean? I just got brave and checked out a Disney trip report and noticed they almost always use this terminology)

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Go go gadget urbandictionary!

Just got the idea to look it up there.

DH came up with "dear husband" which would make sense. Nothing for "DD" though, except for 'drunk dialer' 'drug dealer' and 'designated driver' type things. But, putting two and two together, I've come up with:

dh- dear husband

dd- dear daughter

ds- dear son

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...and you would be right. I still see divorced husband and divorced wife in my mind's eye every time I see dh or dw. I've even seen people use dd when they mean dear dog. I just find them all a bit annoying and bit too cutesy. But that's just me. I see that they take up a lot less space in trip reports, almost all of which mention family in Disney forums.

And almost none of them refer to dear dad, since they are usually written by the mom (but sometimes by the dad), who took the kids to Disney...and typically adults do not take their parents to Disney.

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Here is a Acronyms/Abbreviation list

AP - Annual Pass

DD - Dear (Darling, Disney) Daughter

DF - Dear (Darling, Disney) Fiance(e)

DH - Dear (Darling, Disney) Husband

DS - Dear (Darling, Disney) Son

FIL - Father In Law

FP - FastPass

FWIW - For What It's Worth

FYI - For Your Information

GoH - Guest of Honor

GSP – Gold Season Pass

EMH - Extra Magic Hours

IMHO - In My Humble Opinion

IMO - In My Opinion

JIYI - Journey Into Your Imagination

J/K - Just Kidding

KWIM - Know What I Mean?

LMAO - Laughing My A** Off

MIL - Mother In Law

PM - Private Message

PS- Priority Seating

ROFLMAO - Rolling on the Floor Laughing My A** Off

ROFL - Rolling on the Floor Laughing

SIL - Sister in Law

SO - Significant Other

SP – Season Pass

TIA - Thanks in Advance

TTFN - Ta Ta For Now

TTYL - Talk To You Later

YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary

I will update this list later to include Kings Islands Acronyms/Abbreviations and maybe admin may want to copy it, to make it a sticky for current posters and Newbie's future reference.

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as said above, dd is dear daughter, and ds is dear son, and dh is dear husband, NOT devoiced... sorry hope that NEVER NEVER happens to our family... awful that that is though of first vs dear...

Yep you guessed it i'm a dis board fan threw and threw... we take a trip to disney atleast once every 1.5 years. the terminoligy isn't from the dis boards, it's from all over the internet usd on MANY MANY forms...

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becca011906: My family and I are going in 45 days for 14 days to Disney World. Somthing that has helped us was Tour Guide Mikes info. We took his method and converted it to Kings Island and it works great there too. We hardly wait in lines even on the Fouth of July weekend. My DW was worried that I was over planning our trip to Disney, So I told her to follow the same plan at Kings Island, then I would let her decide. Well after the first trip following the plan see says she wouldn't want to go back to just winging-it. The time saved from waitting in lines we take a afternoon breaks.

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i have yet to try TGM, i've read of tons of stuff about it, but don't see paying for a "plan" when typically the time of year we visit disney lines are usally walk on or fast pass it easily. I never though of using some kinda system b/c 1st of all my DH would HATE HATE to have anything over planed at all! LOL

As for the Dear term... maybe it's geared more in parenting forms, i'm a memeber of lots of thoes... who knows! LOL learn something new online all the time!

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