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Fear Fest '07


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one also has some idea what to expect at Fear Fest...and mocking something that normally occurs in December is not normally expected to be a part of most Hallowe'en oriented activities.

Except it is expected when you read about a "attraction/area" called Holiday Horror.....where the description even talks about evil elves and snowmen.

I'm sorry, but I'm still in the camp of saying "If you get offended because you didnt pay attention to the warnings then it's your fault, not the parks." FearFest is an event that is not meant to be family friendly, it is meant to offend, scare, frighten people....either know that going into it, or read the warnings listed at the front of the park and the attractions and dont CHOOSE to go in.

I'm sick of hearing about people who were "offended", especially when they try to use the religion card.....Holiday Horror had nothing to do with any religion, and if you are really that religous what are you doing at a FearFest event anyways?

*climbs down from his soapbox*

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I was not Offended in any way shape or form by Holiday Horror, but I thought it was a worthless attraction that added nothing to FearFest. I saw it more as people were bitter about WinterFest being cancled so they used some props and tried to twist it. It was a meet and greet and nothing more, entertainment level was 0 for me and for the roughly 12 other people that experienced Holiday Horror and Fear Fest with me.

People say that I didnt get it, but I also say there was nothing to get. Great I can go talk to drunk Santa or his crazy elfs. Yeah thats fun and entertaining.

Now if they would have made Holiday Horror an actual attraction or scare zone, with those same characters and more props I think it would have been very popular and also twisted. But instead Holiday Horror turned out like a half assed inside joke.

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Okay, maybe YOU guys didn't get anything out of it, but the one thing I got out of it was an elf with glasses dancing to "Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It" on camera. Oh, that was fun. That, and that weird Christmas rap song. Anyone know what that song was?

PS: I'll have the video of that up on YouTube soon as a part of SHRIEKshow the 2nD.

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Yea I have not heard anything from the "undertaker" in a few months now - think the guy forgot me. Have a friend that is in touch and keeps me informed about his whereabouts. He is an awesome guy as the Undertaker and personally. Very very nice man and that VOICE IS REALLY HIS!!! That IS how he sounds. Had the opportunity to chat with him briefly before he officially started his "act". Honestly Kings Island would be stupid if they did not really try hard to lure this guy back again. If not in the front then put him somewhere else but allow him to use that voice of his!!!

If you all check out PKI Survivor game forum - there is a great location for the Undertaker - Our Kinza Tribe thought of it and won that particular week (3) - fear fest new attraction for the Action Zone area - Paramount's idea was great too - hope CF decides to use one of them!! Yea they had a little extra help with a real fear fest fan on the kinza tribe but I had help from one of the best creepers at the park and the one that trains such creepers as ICPcreeper to do their jobs well.

Ohhh hmmmm ICPcreeper has slacked off on his off season training. Either slacked off or just losing his touch lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ohhh hmmmm ICPcreeper has slacked off on his off season training. Either slacked off or just losing his touch lol.

bull :censored: i have. I can still do that any of that stuff and then some more. plus i have busted out the ol boots n pads for a bit of fun recently. Slid around a parkin lot a while

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Awww but ICPcreeper you are NOT scaring ME??? I thought I was your target practice???

As often as I see you in person I would think that those "practices" would be visible? HMMMMMM??

Honestly I have not seen the practices and yea not getting the fear of fear fest out of old ICP here but trust me Dane and others of the Fear Fest addictions - like myself - have continued to keep the spirit of the holiday quite active!!.

Ohhh and got to finally meet Funky Uncle Henry in person!!! We had an awesome time chatting of past PKISurvival challenges, Kings Island in general and just the wonderful holiday of Halloween - yea he is going to be participating in Fear Fest this year - WE HOPE!! He got a good start at our meeting. I turn to get my camera and he got me!! Did not even expect it - yea I see a future in fear fest for this guy!!. Just hope they do not "KILL KENNY". You have to check out the pictures on that website to understand this particular joke.

If you visit the fear fest pictures I have posted - you might find some interesting changes. I do update this website with each new "reunion". Now I do not post all of the pictures! Some can be embarassing huh ICP?? ICP had a rather interesting surprise at the end of our last visit which was nicely captured on film. Thankfully my most embarassing moment WAS NOT!

Honestly with Cedar Fair purchasing Kings Island I do see very positive changes in the Fear Fest event - possibly starting earlier and lasting longer - as in their other parks. They do tend to utilize all areas of their other parks in themed sections and from what I have seen and heard they have a lot more of my favorite element which happens to be the creepers. Duh like no one here knew that one.

I was informed that Fear Fest 07 will be a rather interesting year for me. Seems my rather jumpy nature and total enjoyment of being frightened is becoming legendary. Every reunion or new meeting of Kings Island people be they from here at PKI Central or from Fear Fest seem to include a "let's scare Karen" time. Have yet to have a reunion that did not include this!! Heyyyyy I am NOT complaining!! YES ICP this is a Challenge for you if you choose to accept it - you must top the scare I received from FunkyUncleHenry!!! But doubting you can.........................Your honor is at stake!!

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  • 1 month later...

Ok an update - ICPcreeper has continued to scare me and has YET to top UncleHenry's scare but he is still working on it - UncleHenry I have to say that plate glass window did get rather close when you got me!!!

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Guest rollercoasterfreak
I dont really know, but I highly doubt they'll cut creepers, if something Id like to see more.

I agree as well, there was like non of them last year! :(

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To explain this - I am having fun with ICPcreeper - he is my very best friend and one of the very best creepers at the park - he knows this!!

Other fantastic creepers - awww you all know them if you read any of my posts!! Unfortunately one will not be back next year as he is in the marines now - just finishing up boot camp - Scott Brettl. He was the one that had what looked like a kidney face and dressed all in black. His brother Chris was a past creeper and a very good one too!!! Chris is now living in Texas.

An interesting note to other creeper fans - Mike Bundy the very very tall red headed creeper is getting ready to release a CD from his band ADIPOCERE - will let you know when it comes out so you can buy your own copy!! They have amazing talent and I think you will all be very n icely surprised at what you hear!!

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Hun I do not know where you were but yea they had I think a total of 11 creepers - just they stayed in Coney Maul or at the front gate. Most were wandering around in Coney Maul. I know this because I spent my entire time watching them and getting scared by them. I ended up making friends with some of them as well as others in some of the haunted houses. One became my very best friend. SO yea they were there and I honestly think this year was better than any past years!!

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  • 5 months later...

Ahhh I <3 my creepers always will

you'll still have your job.. no worries....

WHat else in the bloody Hell would Mike do..

Other then go to Death Row (asylum got turned into Prison Death Row)

Ill post more details

I have auditions Saturday @ 2

thank GOD holiday horrors/scream street/construction are GONE

i hated those things >.<

Alls well... Ill give the scoop about is once i know more after saturday

wish me luck!


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I LOVED Holiday Horror. What are you people talking about? Did you even talk with the characters at all?

You're CRAZY...Holiday Horror Was fun the first FEW nights... After that we started getting bashed verbally and such.. wasnt cool. Then they left it with drunken santa, and the "nice" elf... *shrugs* she wasnt all that great.. <3d her to DEATH but she didnt get the WHOLE scary thing

Even when all of the elves WHERE there...

TRUE though it would of been a BETTER house.. Then fear zone...

Then we all pretty much got moved to scream zone.. *shrugs*

The only fear zone left is Creepers that I know of.....

Cause the list was like 10long I think I didnt really bother to look

Not much "so where were you last year, where do you wanna go this year"

*yawn* ah well im in "Red Beards' Revenge"

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Unclehenry, I Loved it to. the reason it sucked hard was because there was barely any scare actors over in HH ... KI pretty much abandoned it after the first weekend. Once again, great idea, bad execution.

yea, about that, i was talkin with them back stage and funny story about why the numbers dropped so severely.

Apparently the other elves has offended some people, and so they were relocated, then decided just to keep santa n the main elf in there. That main elf was so fun to scare, i did it whenever i could and she would just give me an evil look as i grinned at her.

hahaha.. that was ME who offended someone... WOOOOPS i do that alot

seriously children will now have disturbed images of halloween

Joni.. will ALWAYS be easy to scare.. you n BUNDY.. have yet to get ME pumpkin...:P Bundy LOVED scaring the hell outta her though.. it was funny to watch.. even NOT in full costume you guys scared the hell out of her

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Ohhh hmmmm ICPcreeper has slacked off on his off season training. Either slacked off or just losing his touch lol.

bull :censored: i have. I can still do that any of that stuff and then some more. plus i have busted out the ol boots n pads for a bit of fun recently. Slid around a parkin lot a while

I have seen him around.

-Zach "Yup, Juggalos and Faygo for life!"

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Ok I am pretty sure that Mike Bundy is NOT coming back. He has been telling me of a great offer he has had with another haunt. Sobs on that one. Mike is a great guy and did a great job in all the years he has been a creeper/scare actor at the park. Still trying to throw hints at him to come back!! He is just so busy with his music career that there is really not a lot of time left. This other haunt has given him an offer he really does not want to refuse. Mike was always held back a bit at Kings Island. He is a really big fan of Halloween and scaring the crap out of people.

As for ICP Creeper I haven't really seen him to talk to him in about two months or so. Friendship kind of fell off to the wayside sorry to say. He is a great guy and I still adore him but our lives were just kind of pulled in other directions. I know he was planning on returning this year but have not gotten around to asking him personally. So far have not heard of anyone that has seen him at any of the tryouts.

Scott Brettl will not be back as he is serving our Country in the Marines! Anyone that has read my posts will know that Scott is one of my favorite creepers from last year. He will be coming back to this area in December! We keep in touch on a regular basis. He is a trully great young man!

Now the great news!! Lots of new talent is coming our way in the creeper/scare actor department. Met a few that are going to be creepers/scare actors and have talked to some of the ones that are coming back for sure!

I do know for sure that some of my great friends in the Hot Island Rhythm show will be among those out to give us a great "scare" time. Josh, Tim, and Natalie are among those that plan on taking a part in the fear fest activities!! Hopefully they can get others to do so as well!

There is a character actor in the park that is going to remove his "Friendly" character costume for a more fearsome one as well....I might consider bringing some "snacks" to settle him down - wooof.

If any of you know anyone that is going to come back please let me know. There were so many folks last year it is hard to keep track of all of them. Last year was a fantastic time for me and I was lucky enough to have made some great friends among them.

Unfortunately Dane Thomas (chainsaw dude) is not planning on doing fear fest! This extremely intelligent and talented young man has gotten a great job that is keeping him extremely busy. Plus you all know he works very hard on this website as well!

Ohhhhh another returning person - - - - UNDERTAKER is coming back and his range is larger - no one is safe now!

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That's AWESOME!!!!! I totally knew KI would love you... I mean your voice, it truely is frightening! Now, I'll see the KI FF tv ad and be like... I know him! Hahaha.. Congrats man!!!! -Tyler "Hauntguy"

PS: Congrats on the movie part too... I bet that was alot of fun!

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That's AWESOME!!!!! I totally knew KI would love you... I mean your voice, it truely is frightening! Now, I'll see the KI FF tv ad and be like... I know him! Hahaha.. Congrats man!!!! -Tyler "Hauntguy"

PS: Congrats on the movie part too... I bet that was alot of fun!

yeah all the movires i am doing right now are fun and ty for the support.

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I love fear fest - duh not hard to figure out but honestly The UNDERTAKER literally did scare me! I am jumpy by nature and it is kind of easy to get a good scream out of me. I love it and those that scared me got a kick out it too. It is something that I have endured most of my life and just turned it into something FUN.

The Undertaker had a voice that literally worked wonderfully with that makeup they did for him. It would literally creep me out! That is his real voice too! He came up and talked to me before fear fest started one day and I was surprised. Thought it was his mic that made him sound like that!! Plus the man behind the mask is a trully nice man.

Just goes to show you that Cedar Fair recognizes real talent. So many of their great scare actors and creepers are coming back!

I just think it is awesome that talent scouts discovered him doing what he loves to do!!

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Undertaker was offered his position back last year....

i was near when kevin asked...

imma kick mike.. with my good foot gosh darnit.. who the HELL am I suppose to jump on and hump.. If he's NOT there >.<

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No seriously...

Ill miss bundy

Scott Ill miss just cause his laughing made me fall on the floor every time... But hes in the GOOD military Branch *semper fi*

John wont have anyone to "get me" with now if bundy is gone :(

oh btw... im still waiting for you two to TRY :P <3

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hahaha imma go there.. and all new creepers >.<

who the HECK am I suppose to screw with then?

no bundy,scotty,josh,jon

bundy: if he gets paid more at the other place more power to him

scotty is a jar head

josh was too quiet anyways till you got him talking about tattoos

jon i havent spoke to since.... Maybe January

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