
Built in: 2003

Cost: between $4.5 and $5 million

Height of Gondola at Full Swing: 137 feet

Height of Center Hub: 85 feet

Gondola Drive: 15kW

Pendulum Drive: 300 kW

Motors: 6, located on the top, 3 on each side.

Horse Power: 200 horse power a piece (1,200 total horsepower)

Amperes: 1,200 total amps

Maximum Swing of Pendulum: 120, or up to ten and two o`clock on a clock.

Ride Time: 2 minutes 30 seconds

Maximum Rotating Speed: 8 feet per second

Hourly Capacity: 600 people per hour

Number of Seats: 50 outward facing seats

Maximum Positive G Force: 4.5g

Maximum Minimum G Force: -.5g

Manufactured by: Huss Rides of Bremen, Germany

Location: Action Zone, on the former site of the King Cobra

Ridership: 4,653,591 riders since 2003, 34th most in park history. Its record year was 2004 with 827,297 riders. (Numbers through the 2009 season).

Miscellaneous: This was the first Giant Frisbee ever built by Huss. The two ride computers communicate with the sensors in the gondola via wireless technology.

