Flight of Fear
Name: Flight of Fear
Original Name: Outer Limits Flight of Fear
Opened: June 1996 [as Outer Limits: Flight of Fear]
Cost: Between $10 and $15 million
Type: enclosed steel launched coaster
Track Length: 2.705 feet
Height of Track: 78 feet, 10 inches
Maximum Speed: 54 miles per hour
Time of Ride: 1 minute
Number of inversions: 4
Designed and Manufactured by: Premier Rides
Trains: 2 trains, 5 cars per train, 4 people per car for a capacity of 20 people per train.
Area Ride Covers: 1 acre
Height of Building: 110’
Materials: 500 tons of steel
Hourly Capacity: 1,200 people per hour
Square Feet of Building: 42,000 square feet
Location: Coney Mall (Area 72)
Ridership: Flight of Fear has given 10,806,406 rides since 1996, the 20th-most in park history. Its record year was 1998, when 1,078,021 rides were given. (Numbers through 2009 season)
Music: Rob Pottorf created the music for the preshow and the ride.
World Record: -Flight of Fear and its twin at PKD were the first LIM coasters to open.
Miscellaneous: The ride is driven by Linear Induction Motors (LIMs), which generate electromagnetic energy that catapults the train forward out of the station. A 220-foot long series of LIMs lining the track propels the train from 0 to 54 miles per hour in 4 seconds. There are 44 sets of LIMs on each side of the track. A laser beam shoots down the track behind the train to let the rides two computers know which LIMs to turn on and when to turn them off. There are 30 vertical curves and 25 compound horizontal curves on the ride. There is also a Flight of Fear at Kings Dominion. The linear induction motors were built and designed by Force Engineering.
Trivia: Kings Island’s and Kings Dominion’s versions were built simultaneously. However they were constructed in 2 different ways. KI first built the building and then constructed the coaster inside – partially utilizing the crane built into the ceiling. KD first assembled the coaster, then built the building around it. KI completed the construction first.
Original Queue video