
Name: Invertigo
Original Name: Face/Off
Opened: April 17, 1999
Cost: $10 million
Type: Inverted Invertigo
Track Length: 1,970 feet
Height: 138 feet
Maximum Speed: 55 miles per hour
Inversions: 6 All are 72’ high. (Only three inversions but the train travels through each element twice. Two of the inversions are a dual cobra roll.
Designed by: Vekoma International
Trains: 1 train, 7 cars per train, four people per train for a capacity of 28 people per train.
Materials: 1,000 cubic yards of concrete. 43 steel columns that weigh in at 182 tons support the 258 tons of track. Overall, the ride weighs a total of 440 tons.
Assembled by: Fenton Rigging
Hourly Capacity: 650 people per hour
Structural Engineer: Steven Schaefer Associates, Inc. was responsible for the structural design of the ride foundations.
G Force: 5gs
Location: Action Zone
Ridership: Invertigo has given 6,506,746 rides since 1999, the 28th-most in park history. Its record year was in 2000, when 647,837 rides were given. (Numbers through 2009 season)
Miscellaneous: There are four people per car, two facing forward and two facing backwards. Riders are actually facing other riders. Once the train completes one circuit, it repeats the circuit in the opposite direction. Face Off was renamed Invertigo for the 2008 season. The ride was repainted from its yellow track and red supports to aqua blue track and navy blue supports for the 2012 season.