White Water Canyon
Opened: 1985
Cost: $4 million
Motto: “You will get wet. You may get drenched!”
Length of Trough: 1,678 feet
Number of Boats: 26 boats, 6 people per boat
Ride Time: 5 minutes, 20 seconds
Hourly Capacity: 1,180 people per hour
Manufactured by: Intamin AG of Zurich, Switzerland
Location: Rivertown
Ridership: 30,965,833 since 1985, 11th most in park history. Its record year was 1986 with 1,746,021 rides. (Numbers through the 2019 season).
Miscellaneous: The four pumps used on White Water Canyon are rebuilt every five years as part of the park`s routine maintenance of the ride.