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Kings Island 2024 Food Reviews and...

IndyGuy4KI wrote: I enjoyed the Undertaker Trifle at Sweet Spot.   15 minutes ago

Banshee Train Incident 9/28/24

disco2000 wrote: For those interested, it is two train ops. 40 minutes ago

Random Photo of the Day

beastfan11 wrote: Scrooge’s House? (Winterfest ‘05)   2 hours ago

San Diego Padres taking a page fro...

BeeastFarmer wrote: It depends on how press is defined. Given the social media revolution, many people with a came... 2 hours ago

Silver Dollar City announcement

Timchat2 wrote: We have done the Missouri "triangle" of flying into St. Louis for Six Flags, driving over to Brans... 9 hours ago

The KICentral Newsroom

It's the time of year again for pumpkin flavored everything. As the cooler weather moves in, you now have to find where you hid those jackets you put away where you would not forget. Spending more time indoors and enjoying the return of your favorite shows as they come put with new episodes.  This all sounds well and good, but Kings Island fans have another thing on their mind. 

This year Haunt returns with a new scare zone called Hooked. The ghosts of a sunken pirate ship have returned to claim the treasure that is theirs! Dead men tell no tales...but they do want revenge! When the bells toll and the fog rolls in, BEWARE! What you can't see can't hurt you...but it can kill you!

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Kings Island Central is a community that loves Kings Island and amusement parks!