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Rye Aeroplane Coaster Footage

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  • 7 years later...

It's important to note that much of the video The Interpreter posted in 2008 is sped-up and not a realistic representation of the ride. Here is a NoLimits creation of the coaster, courtesy GCI:

In my opinion it looks like a fun little ride. But if rebuilt today, it'd be nothing noteworthy.

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Hmm...GCI made that video? Wow...apparently one of the designers must have had some free time and used the company's No Limits 2 for fun or something (on second thought- read below...). I can also see how their modern creations do appear to take some inspiration from the legendary Aeroplane with their twists and turns and all, as they claim in the video description.


Wait, that park...Six Flags Fiesta Texas!?!? Kind of a random park to place the Aeroplane Coaster in...wait. It was going to be built at Kings Island, but they decided to build Son of Beast instead. They had the Aeroplane Blueprints. Jeff Siebert was the PR Director of PKI at that time. He is now at Six Flags Fiesta Texas...did he somehow obtain the blueprints, or could he have possibly had the idea of building the Aeroplane Coaster at SFFT, so GCI made this concept video...I don't know for sure. Just a crazy theory that popped into my head.


With no real wooden coasters there (Iron Rattler has become steel), this would fit the park- but Six Flags building a new wooden coaster seems unlikely since they have been demolishing/converting a bunch of their old ones. Perhaps then this was a scrapped concept...


BTW I think the coaster looks awesome based on that video. Looks like it has lots of good lateral forces, which based on Holiday World's Legend, I like.

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I'm not sure that it wouldn't be noteworthy. Look at a ride like Ravine Flyer II. It doesn't really do anything that other coasters didn't do already, but it's critically acclaimed due to its simply being a really fun ride. A ride doesn't have to smash world records or be *THE* big new thing in order to be hugely successful.

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