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Cedar Fair To Apollo

Guest PizzaBaby027

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I know there is already a topic about this but I am a little lost on what is happening????? Can anyone give a brief simple answer to what will happen and how this will affect KI??

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After the vote next week it will be a little clearer or what is going on, but from what I understand, Apollo has made an offer to buy Cedar Fair, which must be voted on by the shareholders, and that is the only definite thing that has happened so far.

Again, this is what I understand, I may be completely off base.

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And the lawsuits...

And the debt covenants....

And the creditors....

And the regulators....


"Can anyone give a brief simple answer to what will happen and how this will affect KI?? "

The question is not what has happened...it is what WILL happen and how this will affect KI.

I have not seen anyone answer this above, and I still say the answer to the question whether anyone can provide one is....no.

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