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Food Prices


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What do you think about the food prices at PKI?

I personnally think its an outrage. mad.gif Whenever I spend an entire day at PKI I leave for food.

For example: FeatFest October 26th, I ate a "big" breakfest at home. And then I left to PKI. At 7:30 I leave, why? To go to Wendys. And then go back to PKI at 8:00 for FearFest.

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Yeah they are sorta outragous but its an amusement park. They know people can leave and go down the street for Wendy's or what not. They also know that most people won't want to leave since they would most likely have to park really far away. Also if there are big groups that seperate they won't all get back together to leave agree on a place to eat and then go and come back, just to difficult and time consuming. Its pretty smart because the majority of the people are going to either see something they want when they are hungry and go for it, or kids will annoy their parents until they buy it for them. So why shouldn't the park charge higher for it, the people are hungry and thirsty after standing in line for a long time and want something quick, so there will be a "amusement park tax".

However, I do the same and just don't eat that much at the park. I eat before and after and get a small snack or something during the day to tide me over. I'm a poor college kid, I'm not going to pay those prices.

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Sporting events have higher food prices still. At a football game I went to it cost me a little over $11.00 for Nachos & Coke. Thats crazy, and their ticket prices are even higher. The cheapest parking was $10.00 and it was about a mile from the stadium, so I still can't say amusement parks have high prices.

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They should have discounted prices on ALL items for seasonpass holders. That could be one more perk for having a season pass. If they mark up an Item 10% then they should reduce it something like 5% for season pass holders. That way they really are not loosing money because they will sell more items and it will make the guests happier. -adam12

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I would say PKI's prices are a little high but aren;t outrageous. I would guess that on most food, PKI is easily making 100% profit, probably more. They could stand to cut prices a bit, making the consumer happier and still be able to make a ton of money.

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