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Everything posted by Maverick44

  1. How could my work of art stoop so low =(
  2. I can't make till May 6th ugggh That will be trip #1 of many though. Another Giga idea...not to scale I know but still lol
  3. Yawn......so anyone going to the park this weekend?
  4. Welp I can't wait to see what's going on. If there is anything going on at all haha. Could just be doing it to do it.
  5. Does anyone have pics of the masses of trees being moved. I'd like to see this. I can't make it down to KI till early May.
  6. Yeah I love Don but I don't think he has a say what comes and what goes.
  7. I understand the first year and the delay. Other then that Maverick has been a work horse. Pun intended. haha. I dunno about last year. I went about 5 times and got on each time. Plus there is Mill Force. Another work horse. I don't want to make this into a mfg discussion. I was just pointing out that someone said they will not use Intamin. Just looking for those facts.
  8. TBH Mill Force isn't down hardly ever and neither is Maverick.
  9. Whose to say they won't work with them again. They haven't ever said they won't?
  10. I agree with above. I do not see Ki getting a coaster till 2021. IMO.
  11. Hooray I would love to see more pics from this past weekend and any updates! Let me know if there is an area with more pics! I think we are way too early in the game to see anything just yet. I do however wonder what that green tape means and the numbers on them.
  12. We can always speculate on anything and everything. If we could just please refrain from saying " KI will" or " Cedar Fair will" . We do not have any clues and actually 0 facts or rumors on a gigia and who would build it. If you feel like you have information on anything please post it with a source!!!! Can't be too hard to do. If Joe from Atlanta says I have info and all they do is tell you about it. Its probably not true and not worth spreading those rumors.
  13. I see a " Since CF is going with" . ...I mean maybe? We don't even know if there will ever be another giga in a CF park as of right now.
  14. If they did a giga gate coaster I'd like the first drop to go under the front gate area so guests can see on a bridge. It would also be cool to have parts of the coaster go back near The Bat. It won't happen though. As stated before somewhere on this site there is no plan to re do any gates for any other park in the chain.
  15. Its just really boring to me. Racer is 10x better in my mind. I think CP could use that area of land for something way better.
  16. I wish Gemini was on the block lol That coaster is terrible. Imo lol
  17. Yes! Carowinds does need a good wooden Coaster. Hurler is very blah.
  18. ^^ The hotel they tore down is being replaced with RV camp spots..... Not sure about the area the stadium was in. Its a small space so assuming nothing large. Unless they move WindSeeker or wicked twister.
  19. I'd put my money on CP getting something in 2020. Money for Ki is 2021.
  20. We have one at KI???? Or is that new too? haha
  21. Oh guys!!! We almost forgot the part that turns into " Time Traveler" @ Silver Dollar City. The cars spinning at 25 mph going down the giga hill at 98mph haha.
  22. Don't forget that half of the ride if a full wood coaster that goes into a full steel coaster the 2nd half.
  23. The next hastag would be .... #WhatsintheBIGGERshed?
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