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Everything posted by Maverick44

  1. Yup so I have no idea why they started with those 2 coasters. Also why put Firehawk on there? its not a coaster anymore lol I know its the same spot but why lol
  2. So that doesn't make sense? Flying Ace would be between those..... So they are not by year built then if going by manufacture.
  3. its def exciting times to be a fan of coasters and KI.
  4. Awesome awesome! haha thank you!!
  5. So is the verdict out on Copperhead Strike? Its great? Is it Meh? is it bad? I will judge once I can get down there but compared to Maverick how is it?
  6. So anyone with a good zoom get those white pipes?
  7. Haha that;s funny. Does that mean Aliens hold the teasers?
  8. The first B&M I was ever on was Mantis...…………….WTH was that? Headbanger lol Melt it for the Intamin polar coaster! Hey that tower is iconic for KI! Tread lightly young soul lol
  9. We will find out soon! That sucks that the could barley handle the B&M coaster. We may not see a new coaster there for a long while.
  10. Agreed! I would love to just see 1 intimin coaster at KI lol
  11. Agreed! I would love that haha. I was just saying lets raid CF to see what plans they are working on for the next 5 years lol Maybe Intamin is on that list! haha
  12. That would be fun. I could see that. Or even a Premiere Rides Skyrocket 3 like Tigris.
  13. It would be nice to see another steel coaster in the park. If not that maybe a major flat ride? I am thinking 2020 may replace the area of Pilgrims Plunge?
  14. It think it would be cool for the signs on the fence. Like MT where it said " Watch for Falling Trees". This time it could say " Watch For Falling Stars".
  15. I think I would like to raid CF headquarters!!!
  16. With the removal of Invertigo as well. Sorry about double post. For some reason the page like froze and nothing new loaded. I am not sure what happened lol
  17. Idk who this person is that is saying this is going down. He could be some Joe Schmo. idk? I mean I hope its for real haha but also stepping lightly.
  18. Ok now my rebuttal would be to rip down Rougaru and Raptor as well as Valravn and GateKeeper. Sent the scraps to Switzerland and have Intamin build 2 - 500 foot duling inverted winged dive coasters!
  19. I have ruined my entire day haha j/k You left a spot open for another coaster? You took out SV, Maverick and Valravn!
  20. Out of all the years to run out of paid time off of work lol this is the year I do and can't make it lol I hope it will be live streamed again and not crash.
  21. You do have a point here lol
  22. I wonder if CF would still order dive coasters from B&M after Valravn incident?
  23. I will laugh when there is no announcement on Auh 15th lol There is no reasonable source then " A Guy".
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