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Everything posted by PatchesC

  1. At least that shed may hold something more exciting....
  2. So maybe they play Space Station during announcement???
  3. No biggie but the petition was updated about 30 minutes ago. https://www.change.org/p/kings-island-kings-island-what-s-behind-that-fence-85f62e10-4170-437b-9cc3-ae87d9973b45/u/24914668
  4. Education is PHYSICS??? I know KI does education days so you're just getting a head start.....
  5. How many announcements have been that late at night before? I'm just assuming it's at 10pm to go with the Project X name.
  6. Interesting the petition didn't give an update. You'd think they would want to tie it in vs dead end at this point.
  7. I've gotta work at 3am next morning and live 3 hrs away
  8. That was the first thing to pop in my head lol
  9. When a petition is created a "decision maker" is selected ie. who can implement whatever change is petitioned. If that person's contact info isn't in the Change.org site it will ask the petition creator to fill in the info. But if the "decision maker" isn't responding to notifications this may come up os what I would assume.
  10. I thought notice of commencement was for the financial end of the construction and who contractors can seek payment from. Sorta the family tree for funds.
  11. I'm kinda amazed at how hard it is to find permits on this project. There's not going to be an obvious "Kings Island is building a coaster" type permits, but even a stormwater runoff permit doesn't show under them or the companies listed. If anyone knows though is it possible to have a permit issued to a different project address? The only recent I found was for the dormitories being built.
  12. There's a good 50 pages in that particular group of plans. Here is an interesting tidbit on the 3rd page of leaked print, called sheet no. 0-E7.0. The ride prints themselves are not part of this group.
  13. The only thing I can say for sure is we don't have the complete print. There's a ton of sheets to the most recent one, but the actual track plans are not included in it.
  14. @DiamondBanshee I'd be happy with anything new within the 2 hour drive from home. I'm wondering if there should be a thread on a theoretical coaster within the limits of physics and human bodies if there isn't one already.
  15. From the way I understand they could in theory change but it would require reapproval of the changes. In this case a zero g roll would probably require a different foundation depth/layout in the section to support additional forces that weren't calculated before.
  16. The only reason I could see is possibly the phases and reviews required by local building codes and ordinances.
  17. It says that because when a change.com petition actually achieves what is proposed it's considered a "victory". It's a normal part of that particular site.
  18. Depends how big the loop would be I guess. I don't know the math to figure what radius a loop would have to be to cut Gforces to manageable by a majority.
  19. We could do a 7 steps to Kevin Bacon instance. Protein spill on a space/area 51 themed ride -NASAs "Vomit Comet" which gives about 25 seconds float going at a 45 degree angle = new coaster is going to give us 25 seconds air time.... or protein spills lol
  20. Let me know when you get to the point of counting number of mist fans in the queue. I got really side tracked one day looking out random callouts lol
  21. Kentucky Kingdom Thunder Run eons ago when I was 13-14, didn't meet the height requirements before that .
  22. 1972? Or 2020? If they are looking for an actual number either would make sense with the teasers.
  23. So government testing type deal (as if a long acronym wasn't a government thing), end of the world, heck Apophis sounds like a more apocalyptic/intimidating type name. But really was thinking the way the exit queue goes pretty close to FoF and riders could easily hop into it, maybe it will be a prelude to the FoF "incident"
  24. From what I remember it's backwards everytime, I'm not sure of which point of the inversion though. Only other experiences I've had of black or grey outside was Chang and Kentucky Kingdom in the peak of the first loop. (I haven't gotten to Cedar Point yet)
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