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In Love with Diamondback

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Everything posted by In Love with Diamondback

  1. still appers to be 2 train Ops ....... be leaving Indy in about an hour. Open til 12 tonight YAY!
  2. Hi Everyone, I'll be at KI Later today 7/6/2019 I Have Noticed that yet again as of 9:05am KI only has 2 trains out on Diamondback like they ran it a couple weeks ago is there another problem ?
  3. I Know our Season passes will be renewed for sure =) I Missed several years of Kings Island, but when they started teasing #Whatsintheshed we bought passes. this is so much more than the original # Teasing they did with Mystic. We Missed alot of this year, was over in Late June 4 days after our visit my partner had a heart attack. had to take a break from the heat, coasters and all the other things the dr said no to, but FINALLY We was able to get back to the park this past sunday WoooHooo I Got My Diamondback Fix OH darn I'm Excited about this! 1 hour to go
  4. i also noticed when i was at the park this past sunday, a sign back by The Beast entrance the read " Outpost #5 " but totally failed to see the Red sign at the Mock Gravesite. Go Figure
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