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Posts posted by Snowball

  1. On 7/27/2024 at 10:16 AM, Kristh said:

    I think patrons should be allowed to dress up in costumes as long as they are tasteful and not with weapons.

    I may be wrong, but I’m pretty sure costumes are allowed as long as they are tasteful and don’t involve any kind of face covering (Masks, makeup, hoods, veils, etc.). I’m not sure on the exact specifics.

  2. 3 hours ago, DonHelbig said:

    There wasn't anything that changed for Haunt during my time there that I didn't agree with outside of replacing Hot Blooded. The show fit Haunt. It was popular, had a cult-like following. While it doesn't fall under change, I was never a fan of allowing No-Boo necklaces in the mazes. I thought that ruined the experience for those attending the event for the scares and they'd get grouped with others with the No-Boo. 

    From what I can remember from my time working in the mazes during haunt (2016 - 2018), no boo necklaces are allowed in the mazes but they don’t do anything to keep you from getting scared. It’s a lot easier to not go through a haunted house than it is to avoid the scare zones. In most cases guests were instructed to turn their necklaces off before entering the mazes because they’re bright and they’re distracting to other guests.

    I still miss Hot Blooded, as do many many other people. If I could bring back one show, that would be it. I’m still sad that it’s gone all these years later.

    • Like 4
  3. 14 hours ago, Hawaiian Coasters 325 said:

    Sadly I street is the same jazz music as the past couple years. When I walked in and heard it, I was pretty mad. I don't understand why they are still keeping the same jazz music. The 50th anniversary was 2 years ago. It's past time to go back to actual classical orchestral pieces. They might as well rename I street to New Orleans Square at this point lol. 

    Maybe I’m in the minority here, but I like the jazz on International Street. I do wish the track list was longer though.

    • Like 3
  4. 21 minutes ago, kingsislandfan1972 said:

    I wouldn't mine seeing a Chipotle there, but honestly I would really like to see Kings Island have a place where they sell Gyros and other Mediterranean foods! (Hummas & Pita bread!) ;)

    A Mediterranean restaurant at KI would be absolutely AMAZING. I’d love to be able to sit down and have a gyro at the park.

    • Like 1
  5. Sad, but definitely not unexpected. Once they removed the rides, I had a feeling Coney Island wouldn’t last much longer.

    I am excited to see this new venue and how that plays out, and also wonder what will happen with Riverbend / PNC Pavilion with the new venue being built. It seems strange to me that they would keep 3 venues operating so close together. Could Riverbend or PNC Pavilion be on the way out too?

  6. On 12/4/2023 at 7:49 PM, Allison said:

    Any other employees here? My son checked his schedule for this week and is supposed to work on Thursday, December 7th in the evening. He emailed them to ask if that is correct because we both thought KI is closed on Thursday. He hasn’t heard back from anyone in HR yet. Anyone know if they’re open on Thursday this week? (Despite the calendar on their website showing it as closed)

    I’m a bit late replying to this, but there is a private event today (Dec. 7).

    • Like 1
  7. On 10/23/2023 at 9:02 AM, DJSkyFoxx said:

    Are any of these the hard rock/metal instrumentals used on I-Street, or are those custom for the Haunt this year/last year?

    If you’re looking for any of those metal songs I know a few of them. I can probably find more at some point.

    • Within the Ruins - Shape Shifter (Instrumental)
    • Within the Ruins - Beautiful Agony (Instrumental)
    • Mick Gordon - Rip & Tear
    • Wide Eyes - The First Contact



    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, XGatorHead 8904 said:


    Ah yes, the Sinking of the S.S. Gator.  To this day, I have never gotten on another pedal boat, although Mrs. Gator & GatorGirl do them any chance they get.  Traumatized forever! :lol:


    Kind of an off-topic question for this thread - but did you end up contacting the department of agriculture after that incident?

  9. 9 hours ago, Orion742 said:

    Wanted to give a shout out to the Banshee crew they have been killing it this weekend! Rolling those trains like I’ve never seen before on an invert!

    The Banshee crew has impressed me so many times. I don’t visit the park as a guest much these days, but a while back I remember them consistently having a full train ready almost as soon as the lift hill was clear. It was amazing.

    • Like 4
  10. 6 hours ago, gforce1994 said:

    The issue with the bag policy is that if people are forced to keep their medical supplies in their cars, having to leave the park ends their night.

    They make exceptions for medical bags. They put a band on the bag.

    Source: Friend of mine was able to get in with a bag larger than the limit, they put a band on it and let her in after explaining that it contains medical supplies.

    • Like 5
  11. 15 hours ago, disco2000 said:


    The scareactors are simply following the lead of Mr. Selfie ;)

    I mean, if a kid (politely) asks me for a picture, I’m not gonna say no. There’s a difference between being scary and just being rude. Taking pictures with people is part of my job.

    • Like 7
  12. 23 minutes ago, brenthodge said:

    Love that idea, but agree they would need to redo the seating. I wish they would rework that anyway with more of a stepped terrace style seating with tables/chairs on the stepped levels. Could make it almost an “outdoor festhaus” style venue with good from French Corner and TomCher being brought in. The seating or rarely full and it could transform easily into this, but don’t see that happening. 

    I like this idea. Showplace is starting to show its age and really could use an overhaul or update of sorts in my opinion.

    I’d also like to see a solid roof instead of that sun shade material that’s currently there, that way rain wouldn’t be as much of an issue, though that may be a controversial opinion.

    • Like 2
  13. 2 hours ago, Tr0y said:

    I fully support them cutting the Peter Peter pumpkin eater song that’s on a 10 hour loop in Action Zone from last season. 



    Peter… Peter… pumpkin eater… (Repeat x10,000)

    I only scared in that area for about 30 minutes every night last year when I was sliding but it never failed that I’d be leaving the park with that stuck in my head.

    • Haha 4
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