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Everything posted by collin.klopfstein

  1. My little brother said he saw a blue flag on top of Diamondback, how much you do you want to bet it was the Orion logo
  2. I’m calling it, we are getting an inversion on this giga
  3. Ok now I’m at the brew house
  4. Ugh sorry guys I’m coming, I got so excited I read it wrong
  5. Ok I’m in the festhaus, where are you guys?
  6. Oh ok! I’m in line for FOF, be there soon, I’m a tall dude with a red shirt and pants
  7. I tried 30 minutes ago and he didn’t respond
  8. @Fye Coasters IM looking for you!? Where are you?
  9. Double post I’m here! Anybody I can meet up with ?
  10. Heading to the park right now, if you would like to meet up my text me on my Instagram @collin_klopstein !
  11. This thing is huge @Fye Coasters what is it?
  12. I also hate the name shooting star
  13. BAsically gave the name away
  14. We have that lift spine piece, it’s ours and the thick track
  15. Double post: it’s most likely at Kings Island for the announcement
  16. Yeah, and sorry for the typo I meant 15 minutes
  17. Wait do you guys think she might be looking at a piece of track back there??anyways you guys will have a track update in 5 minutes
  18. Did you guys actually put this up or is it photo shop??
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