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Everything posted by ZekTehKek

  1. My number one choice for replacing Vortex is either a Gerst Infinity Coaster or a Mack XTREME Spinning Coaster! I feel like either one would fill that plot very well.
  2. It's been a while since I've been on here! Anyways, I rode Orion WAAAY back on July 8th, so it was still fairly new. I got 2 rides on it, one in row 7 and one in row 4, and I forget which one I preferred more. Besides that, I thought the ride was incredible! It's my 2nd favorite B&M behind Fury 325, and my #9 overall. I thought the "wave turn" was fantastic and gave such a great sensation of airtime, I thought the speed hill was FULL of sustained ejector, and I thought that, despite being trimmed, the floater hill was better than any hill on Intimidator at Carowinds. Orion also gave me a feeling that I've never experienced on any coaster ever, something about it really clicked with me and I don't know how to describe it. However, if there was one part that I was let down by, it was the helix; I didn't get any resemblance of a helix that would/could make me grey out. Other than that, it's a fantastic ride!! In terms of how I'd rank it among the other gigas? Well, I've been able to ride all 5 North American gigas, and I find it so hard to say "oh it's my 3rd favorite of the gigas" because (for me) there's a HUGE gap in my preference of Leviathan and Orion. For me, Orion, Millennium Force, and Fury 325 are all inside of my top 10, yet Leviathan and I305 are considerably far away from it (I305 more-so than Levi). So I largely prefer it to Leviathan and I305, but I slightly prefer Millennium Force and Fury 325.
  3. Heck, they're extending the queue line too! I couldn't imagine waiting in a full extended FoF queue line!
  4. FoF is sequence V (or 5).
  5. Not in terms of the sequences. Look at the sequence number in the upper right hand corner, not the order of the posters themselves.
  6. If we're relating the letters on the poster to the sequence number in the upper right hand corner, this is what we would have: _ _ W _ O _ _ K I But I doubt they'll end up relating to each other.
  7. Quick question: is the FoF queue using the old Firehawk queue now?
  8. I believe the sequencing in the posters ends with 9 (or IX). However, all of these would work very well.
  9. If they're including defunct coasters, King Cobra could be easy to make up tests for.
  10. Okay, this is a very "out there" thinking process (and I'm new so it's fine if you don't listen to me), but I took the sequence numbers found in the upper-right hand corner and corresponded them with the letters on the posters. FoF's "Sequence Number" looked like a "V" (or 5), but I couldn't tell very well. Could someone confirm which sequence number is on Flight of Fear? Also sorry for the awful handwriting. EDIT: this is assuming that there will be 10 posters.
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