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Everything posted by Logic

  1. Logic

    Decoding 2020

    The sequence is off after looking at it again... back to square 1
  2. Logic

    Decoding 2020

    I wouldn't get caught up in the trolling of another park. The Newton KI thing seems to be catching momentum with the latest letter. Can anyone confirm if the last poster changed?
  3. Logic

    Decoding 2020

    This is what I'm referring to. There's not enough room for two more unless it's overhanging or something is adjusted several inches. I feel like measuring to place in the right spot would be a pretty basic thing to not mess up drastically
  4. Logic

    Decoding 2020

    There isn't enough room for two more letters behind the KI. There's a picture that shows as much with the perspective layout. Only one letter can squeeze behind it
  5. Logic

    Decoding 2020

    I know they updated it. I'm saying was the updated actually something other than just a mistake. Engineer X hinted at there being a reason for the swap
  6. Logic

    Decoding 2020

    Is the FOF having two posters due to the twin at Kings Dominion?
  7. Logic

    Decoding 2020

    The only way I see a double letter is utilizing The Racer in a 2 for 1. Possible, but that's the only logical way I'd see it
  8. Logic

    Decoding 2020

    Yup, this is exactly what I did too
  9. Logic

    Decoding 2020

    That does fit yuh's theory for roswell ; not what they've posted, but yeah, i guess they could throw a wrench like that
  10. Logic

    Decoding 2020

    They have consistent distances and spacing so far. Use MS paint to draw boxes if you don't believe me lol
  11. Logic

    Decoding 2020

    I really don't buy that they misplaced one of the posters. Posting a wrong version in the right spot is one thing, but it seems very calculated on the spacing and placement
  12. Logic

    Decoding 2020

    I'm just throwing it out there. No clue how it would pertain. Only thing I can think of right now is they're "keeping" something that was maybe there before? Son of Beast reincarnation? lol In general, they don't make these simple so who knows how obscure they want to go
  13. Logic

    Decoding 2020

    You could spell Brouwer as in the mathematician. He's famous for his fixed point theorem. Not sure if/how that could connect anything. Basically the theorem is that in a bounded space, there will always be a point that is in exactly the same place as it was before, no matter the movement or change
  14. Logic

    Decoding 2020

    I laid out similar size boxes and spacing. That doesn't work out unless they move posters. The sequence I posted is what matches although it may not be helpful right now
  15. Logic

    Decoding 2020

    Anyone look into the dates on the posters for significance?
  16. Logic

    Decoding 2020

    Based on the poster spacing in the picture, you have _ _ O _ W _ _ K I _ There are possibly more letters to the left based on lack of seeing space in the picture as well as maybe nothing to the right of the I at the end
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