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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. Been awhile since you wrote this but Holiday World posted a video update with a timeline for testing since their track was completed or near completion (while KI had just started going vertical). If there aren’t two crews for testing, it seems there’d be no way for KI to get ahead. Plus, “late spring” is any time through June 19 without being a lie. Wish KI had a festival similar to Knott’s Boysenberry Festival or Peanuts Celebration in the spring so it wouldn’t matter so much when new rides opened.
  2. On things moms notice… If KI wins Best Children’s Area this year because of the new low-capacity coaster while still not updating what are probably the worst children’s area bathrooms in the country, all legitimately for those awards will be lost. Not only are they terrible, there aren’t even any decent ones close by unless you try to beg or sneak into baby care (which happens every 5 minutes…those poor ladies working there!).
  3. I won’t hold my breath. I have the drink plan that includes ICEES so does this 3x visit perk benefit me or not? It says funnel cake in the description. Is it worth my time to go to guest services and ask when likely no one there will have any idea? I’ve been told by a supervisor there before to go to the restaurant and try it to see if it works because they can’t see or do anything in their office. So I’m supposed to wait in line 20+ minutes and just hope the perk works and if not too bad?
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