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spngbob's Achievements

KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. As long as I can bid on the life size Patrick for my backyard, I think I'll be okay. The theme looks great as Nick. I dont know any child that knows what Peanuts is so I'm slightly happier that signs point to HB. But then again, Scooby is about the only HB left that any child knows about too. Mu favorite Cartoon Network show would be Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends, if they played that more often it would be an awesome theme to something :-)
  2. Some people might also find it interesting that Dora Dollars are being discontinued... That leaves us with Scooby Bucks from 1989!
  3. Job fairs start in February.. so soon already It's funny cuz I was really intent on a job with rides but was only 15 so ended up with that dreaded food industry. Annnd I could never be happier!! I highly disagree with the comment about age. I feel I have been extremely successful at my age and have not once been discriminated for it. Your work history definitely travels with you. If you are motivated and take (I hate the repeated use of this word) initiative... then raises and recognition are available for you! My few years at the park have went with me everywhere. At winter jobs I find myself comparing (and eventually hating that employer). Always returning... You may find you wont want to change departments after all. And if you do just keep in mind you have to receive approval to leave by your full time supervisor. Should not be to painful as I know people who have switched departments yearly. Just have to show extreme interest which shouldnt be to hard for anyone here Also while I'm thinking about it, please don't bring your loving parents to your interview... Not that it effects your outcome, but slightly akward lol -- Good luck !!!
  4. Honestly, you have to either try or be really really unmotivted individual to not get a job there. 15 year olds can for sure work with food. They are just limited to how many hours and how late they can work... plus other minor things like working with ovens or going in walk-ins. They cannot work with rides. Definetly dress nice for an interview because that would be my number one pet peeve. Show your interest, KI can always find better associates, plenty of them apply
  5. Sounds like an amazing idea.. but a forseeable flaw in the plan would be that Focus Brands who owns Cinnabon also owns a potentially comparable Moes Southwest Grill. Im sure your not the first to crave a burrito. I mean everyone loves Wings Diner (ha) but who doesnt want Chipotle !! But while Im thinking about it I am CRAVING Barbacoa :-D http://focusbrands.com/
  6. O Dan... So many things I would like to say.. But I thoroughly enjoy the support/money you showed for the amazing pizza at FestHaus..
  7. You know, I might be crazy but I think it was Beetlejuice. I remember when I was little I would always talk about beetlejuice when I was in line. Danny Elfman composed the music for the movie (and pretty much everyother Tim Burton film). Even in the park last year you could hear the theme song play occasionally.
  8. Thats the lot I was thinking of with the random stuff (!!) Surely theres a stash of other randomness. I recall seeing the player piano from Phantom in November under cover behind The Racers. Also, pretty much everything from phantom is sittin around. Agree with both of you
  9. Im not sure which statue you speak of.. Id venture to say that KI rarely throws anything away.. You name it and you can find it (or at least the remnants)..
  10. I know Hong Kong differs from China mainland.. but American (all foreign maybe?) companies have to be involved with China somehow. Not positive about the facts but for example... GM couldnt just go to Shanghai and setup shop. A new company that originated out of China (SAIC) had to startup and become a joint venture with GM for operations to begin. It was the same way for all of the auto companies. I may be wrong but I believe its a requirement for them to form the venture with domestic firms so they can enter the market. (So China could benefit from the increased control maybe?) I would assume Disney had to reach this same agreement.. althought now that I think about it, theres about a million McDonalds, KFC's and Pizza Huts in China but they dont have any different branding on them. Who knows, maybe Im just hear to confuse you (intrigue you perhaps?) Do your research, I sure didnt lol
  11. I remember someone telling me this a year or two ago but thought they were crazy.. seems very ambitious.
  12. I think the problem lies in the management training. I know there are some excellent managers but I felt like alot of them were just happy for their job title and not the job. I have met some crappy managers @KI that didnt care a thing about the associates. If you show an associate they are worth something and they are important to the company they will show up every day with a smile. Its all about recognition and rewards. If your in food department then a good manager might reward you with a meal occasionally. If your in another department, well funcentive rewards are gone so I dont know how to help you. If your manager wasnt so good then your summer was probably miserable and it sucks to be you.
  13. For some reason I think its really cool that an average (okay maybe above average) joe could be visiting this website buying roller coasters
  14. I dunno.. looks like alot of construction in the woods for something random as a bathroom.. If you dont think rides are comin, you could prolly look forward to something 'sweet' n the food department I would guess.
  15. This is the best I can do.. Let your imaginations run wild and good luck.
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