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Everything posted by TOPGUN1993

  1. Maby the Blue's Clue's house may be in side the old theater.
  2. Cedar Point is getting a new ride SKYHAWK !!!!!!! http://www.cedarpoint.com/public/inside_pa...thrill/skyhawk/
  3. I want to no why the Festhaus is always so dark? Its so dark I can hardly see my food.
  4. Wasn't there four?? -Congo falls -White water canyon - keton cove - thornberrys
  5. If you look on a 2005 park map you can see a shark by that ride. take a look
  6. Maby Six flags is going to buy VORTEX
  7. I love Americana's LOG FLUME best over all!!!!! You get so wet so wet !!!! You have brought back good times
  8. Do parks make Flumes anymore ?
  9. Because my friends went to SDATHC but I dont like that so I stood outside . There was no line so I got on, I was bored.
  10. I went Sat. and rode AE twice , Viking fury twice , TOPGUN, dropzone , Derlium , Vortex , FOF, and Yogi's Sky Tours. Skyflyer had a 45 min. wait. FOF had a 1 hour wait
  11. Why were there two tracks to go down the hill on The log flume ??? http://www.pkicentral.com/parkinfo/history...?album=2&pos=17
  12. Was someone with PKIBOY ???? When you saw him .
  13. I no what you mean there is a photo of Delirium and there is the topgun logo on the picture.
  14. No I am talking about the new arcade there next to the game.
  15. The rock shop (sports shop) and the place where you bowl has been changed. The Right side is a Arcade and the Left side is the Bowling game thing. Has anyone noticed this ?
  16. so http://photos.pkicentral.com/thumbnails.php?album=86 here's the merry go round
  17. I thought the park opened at 10:00.
  18. Do you think they will still keep the scooby on the merry go round ?
  19. How did you get into the park at 6:30 ?
  20. Are we not aloud to have Pictures on our signature's any more ? I am asking this because it won't let me any more.
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