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Everything posted by Carowinds2005

  1. I kinda saw this coming when I saw his page on Linkedin a few weeks back... http://www.linkedin.com/pub/peter-crage/10/a57/899
  2. Now, wouldn't it be pretty awesome if Al Weber or Jane Cooper became the new CEO of Cedar Fair? I say, Yes.
  3. Today, Carowinds also announced new nightly fireworks show, called Illuminations, to light up the night! The nighttime entertainment offering are highlighted by the extension of Carowinds’ operating hours till 10pm from June 27 – August 7. http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=483272143598&set=a.125492718598.106289.91085023598 http://www.carowinds.com/public/park/shows/index.cfm?id=204
  4. My opinion of this is that I would like to see more diversity on the board and I do believe that the board hasn't been very attentive to the business. However, I think that the second point about reinstating a larger dividend really blows the whole thing for me. As much as I would like to get paid more I believe that this company does need to reduce debt. Six Flags that Q keeps comparing FUN to did just this through the bankruptcy process and that is part of the reason that its stock price has been improving. I also don't believe that much larger dividend payments are allowed under the credit facility. I would almost at this point say the dividend is the worst use of cash. I would like to see debt repaid first, secondly capital investment, and thirdly cash returned to unitholders. So I really think that Q is now out for a short term profit and really doesn't care about the long term value of the business.
  5. Q Funding, the largest unitholder of Cedar Fair, said in a proxy statement that it wants to solicit votes to separate the roles of CEO and chairman of the board, and reinstate the distribution. The filing states that the board has a "country club atmosphere" because of Kinzel has hand picked them. Also, states that the company has gone through a lot of questionable decisions because of no separation of power. Very! Interesting read. SEC Filing
  6. Carowinds had a power outage a three weeks ago around 5 pm and the park closed at 8pm. A major storm had moved in and hit a generator a few miles down the road. As a result the park issued Twilight after 4 tickets which I thought was a very nice gesture.
  7. The article states that the 92 page merger document was made online Thursday. Do you know where it is located?
  8. This is probably what you saw. Its the name/title of a concert presented by a Charlotte radio station. http://www.power98fm.com/
  9. Well. It looks like Carowinds has posted the names of the rides that will be changed in Planet Snoopy. http://www.carowinds.com/attractions/category.cfm?ac_id=7
  10. It looks like California's Great America will be receiving a Plant Snoopy also! More details soon. Scroll to the bottom. http://www.cagreatamerica.com/events/events.cfm
  11. Most of the schools in the area are out for Spring/Easter break so thats the reason for the Friday opening.
  12. Carowinds has posted its calendar today- http://www1.cedarfair.com/carowinds/visit/visit_calendar.cfm And New Names for Top Gun and Borg Top Gun= Flight Deck Borg...duh duh we have a new Hawk= Nighthawk http://www1.cedarfair.com/carowinds/attrac...ory.cfm?ac_id=1
  13. Dick says NO!- http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/070730/clm052.html?.v=95 "We have received numerous inquiries and questions regarding stories that have appeared in the press concerning a possible sale of the company," said Dick Kinzel, Cedar Fair chairman, president and chief executive officer. "Although as a matter of policy we do not normally comment on market rumors, an article today reports a claim by an organization referred to as "Destiny Capital" that constructive negotiations with the company have been undertaken. We are not currently in discussions with that organization or any other party for the sale of the company. Of course, the board continuously challenges management to find the best strategic alternatives available to increase value to our unitholders, and I do receive inquiries from time to time about a particular park or group of parks, whether it is to sell or to even buy additional parks. Consistent with our policy, I do not intend to comment on any of these discussions on an ongoing basis."
  14. CF 2nd Quarter Conference Call is on the 31st at 2pm so it should be interesting....
  15. Ride Malfunction At Carowinds Blamed On Human Error POSTED: 3:23 pm EDT March 20, 2007 YORK COUNTY, S.C. -- A Carowinds spokesperson says it was human error that caused a rollercoaster mishap on Saturday. Seven park employees were hurt after the seats on the Borg Assimilator suddenly flipped to an upright position during the ride. Eyewitness News has learned that the ride operator accidentally pushed a button that unlocks the seat position. A Carowinds representative said the problem has been fixed so now if the button is pressed during the ride, the seats won't unlock. Officials are hopeful the ride will be open on Saturday. http://www.wsoctv.com/news/11308720/detail.html
  16. Do you have a link to the actual figures of how much each park makes? Here you go. http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/a...=73275272451338
  17. Carowinds has posted their new logo on their front page, its before the Borg picture loads. Are they trying to market it like a Cedar Point of the south with the flag?
  18. Congrats Mr Weber! I wish him all the luck, he helped mold Paramount Parks into a fine chain.
  19. ^ Its no photoshop! I personaly received a letter as well as other associates with that logo at the top as the letterhead. Time will only tell...
  20. Carowinds already has a new logo and its very Cedar Farish. I guess all the former Paramount Parks will look the same. http://www.carowindsconnection.com/communi...?showtopic=1479
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