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Everything posted by cincyboy79

  1. My first ever KI Central event. looking forward to it, just paid today! Boddah1994 gigacoaster2k Gordon Bombay Mr. 3000 beastfan26 flightoffear4thtrain Raptor66 CoastersRZ violakat03 cincyboy79
  2. off topic but avatar your signature freaked me out. im sitting here reading this thread and almost swatted that darned bug ;-) ok back on topic. i thought at one point last year Cedar Fair wasnt going to have processing days then switched their minds...i hope they learned their lesson and will keep the processing days.
  3. while something like that would be cool i just did the same thing and got this HERE it seems they use a CMS that can add info to each park's site, they just point the site to that new module of info. this one refers to FOF from KD
  4. either way fort cooper fort kinzel who cares :-) the park is still open and we got a "new" ride this year so the details of a sign are miniscule(sp?)
  5. if you read the EXIF data that I posted you would see that the photo ws not doctored by a graphics program and resaved. If it had EXIF would have read Adobe Systems instead of Nikon Coolpix.
  6. How do you figure? Aside from similiar signage and few other small things, I would beg to differ. I don't think enough from CP has rubbed off at KI. Take a look at the lousy crews that are at the Park this year. I'm sorry, 20 minutes for a 3 train wait on Vortex is unacceptable.....its not even that bad at most of the Six Flags parks I visit. - Todd Being a former employee I can tell you that it does take time to get employees in their groove. Cedar Fair has changed a few policies and from what i see some ride operation policies. If I was a returner I might be used to the old ways and if I was a newbie I would be overwhelmed. Since the park is only open weekends they dont have a lot of time to get their groove in place. I think it is unfair to say the crews are lousy, please give them a chance under the new policies and then let us see how things turn out.
  7. ImageDescription : Make : NIKON Model : COOLPIX L4 Orientation : left-hand side XResolution : 300/1 YResolution : 300/1 ResolutionUnit : Inch Software : COOLPIX L4 V1.1 DateTime : 0000:00:00 00:00:00 WhitePoint : 0/1000000,0/1000000 PrimaryChromaticities : 0/1000000,0/1000000,0/1000000,0/1000000,0/1000000,0/1000000 YCbCrCoefficients : 0/1000000,0/1000000,0/1000000 YCbCrPositioning : co-sited ReferenceBlackWhite : 0/1000000,0/1000000,0/1000000,0/1000000,0/1000000,0/1000000 Copyright : Copyright 2006 ExifInfoOffset : 394 According to EXIF this was not photoshopped. it was taken with a Nikon Coolpix Digital Camera. Unless the Coolpix software has the ability to modify images this seems to be legit unless someone else can provide an image showing Cooper.
  8. not sure where you are located but they DID have season pass processing open 1 week before the park opened and they do have hours during the week so you wouldnt have had to wait 2 hours in line to get your pass exchanged
  9. they look cheaper too, the cups that is, they arent the hard plastic and they dont have the holder. btw did anyone notice the signs that said loose articles are not permitted past the fun and safety guidelines sign? does this mean they will pull a CP and not let you put your loose articles like the cups in the station?
  10. the belts do not eliminate air time. i was still tumbling in my seat on Vortex through the corkscrew jsut like before the seat belts. same for racer and beast. the coasters are still fun to ride!
  11. ah well the rides are just waking up, this is pre-season. the crews and rides are only in full time operation for 2 days a week give them some time to work out the kinks. now i might be seeing things but was Vortex and beast running 3 trains which they werent running during the later years of the paramount days?
  12. as a forme employee and having worked on FOF, this is how we rode FOF all lights off in the "drum" i love this ride when its dark. we called it a nigth ride :-). i enjoyed opening day, however Vortex was broken down quite a lot that day. so far so good with the CF team running the show, in my opinion
  13. and those seatbelts on Vortex have a viscious recoil on them!
  14. Saturday 21st will be partly sunny and 63 degrees Sunday 22nd will be partly sunny and 71!!!!! If it holds out this will be a great opening weekend!!!!
  15. hmmm ok so im confused and i forgot to ask when i was at the park today. i got my maxx pass exchanged but it doesnt look gold to me nor dows it say gold pass on it. how will they know that i have a gold maxx pass???
  16. From what I was told by my supervisor when I worked on FOF they planned to have it pitch black or as close to pitch black as they could but were forced to add lighting by the state. Not sure how true it is but thats what i was told. As crew members we would do "night rides" and turn out the drum lights and the blue safety lights and would ride 2 at a time. That is one fast ride when only 2 ppl ride due to the way it launches. I always loved the ride more when we did that!
  17. such a great set of historical pictures. i am amazed at what the photo galleries on here have. but darnit it makes me start to feel old when i can remember the "old" days of KI :-D
  18. some of the reasons i heard was the lake was a breeding ground for mosquitos and it was thought the lake may play havoc on The Vortex. not sure if The Vortex part is true but im sure it was not a pleasant experience being swarmed by mosquitos.
  19. The FOF does seem to be a hotspot for reports, according to what I've dug up. When you say phantom calls, do you mean there was actually a voice at the other end? If so, that would be pretty bone-chilling. talking with the girl at communications she stated she could hear the ride in the background and what she thought was a person talking into the phone. i am not sure why certain things happen at FOF but it was one of my favorite rides to work on. I also worked at WWC and heard the story of Woody, yet the story I heard is he appears on the steps across from tower 2, I was told these steps came from The Bat lift hill. not sure how true that is
  20. after working at the park for 4 seasons i can say some wierd crap happened there. communications received phantom calls from the Drum of FOF while the ride was in motion. the phone is located in a lock off area. during a shut down at FOF we had a phone ring non stop for 45 minutes. the sound was coming from under the loading gates in yet another lock off area. a new employee, new to the state and region, claimed he saw a lady in a white dress at the transfer track controls of FOF, some believe it may have been Candi from Flight Commander paying him a visit. my supervisor had some odd experiences while working at Vortex during the first few years he had worked for the park. being in a paranormal group i have wanted to really investigate certain areas of the park not just because of the history of deaths but the history of the area may lend itself to paranormal activity.
  21. Looks like they noticed the same footer error that has been fixed and the title now reads Kings Island (minus the P word). The push was prolly last minute so they looked over a few areas. i like the new change, i look forward to seeing the change in park as well.
  22. 1 - 3" of snow in northern ohio 3 - 5" of snow in central ohio 6 - 8" of freezing rain, snow and other mix in southern ohio depending on the way the storm tracks. being in central ohio this reminds me of the 2004 storm where they didnt know what the hell was gonna happen until it was too late.
  23. looks like the "flower pot" looking things are missing?
  24. sad after working on OLFOF for 3 seasons, 96-98 and not working at the park for almost 8 years i can still recite the queue movie and the station voices. still love the links tho :-)
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