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Flight Of The Dead

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Everything posted by Flight Of The Dead

  1. Now in this incident , they most likely have a right to sue cuz it could of been prevented, unlike the Son of Beast accident.(sorry for spellin not really good)
  2. I cant help it :\ , i like to hear the chain clicks, and the roars of the coaster.
  3. =o I I love those brakes there, because when u stop, and i mean complete stop, every one starts freaken out! lol its so funny.
  4. myspace is acting weird right now, can any one eles get on it? I'm a member so i really need to know whats goin on......
  5. I hope it opens in the next 3 weeks so i can ride again! and i hope its raining!(Son of Beast is a differnt ride in the rain )
  6. Be right there when its opens It will like seeing my son comming out of the hostpital
  7. SOB may never re open again from what i heard. this is so sad becuase i rode this great ride just 2 weeks ago
  8. Only 2 people are still in the Hostpital... rest were reasles late last night(sorry for my spelling) Im just hopen it opens again this year, i dont want to see Son of Beast go
  9. GRRR, I want to ride Son of Beast!!! it better open in 2weeks!! People are blowing this WAY!!!! out of proportion!!! AND if Cedar Fairs does take Son of Beast down..... I will be angry and take hand cups and strap myself to the handle bar and protest!
  10. The fun part of that^ would be the roll back
  11. well if paramount would of owned it^ it would be closed today.....
  12. Im gona send them complaints! they are stupid for sayin those thing! ima gona own them!
  13. im sending alot of complaits and you guys should to, we wont let new's people blow this out of proprotion.
  14. No im sending the News people a complaint about there reports about the Son of Beast.
  15. Im sending them a complaint i hope they like it to.
  16. It is a huge deal, sir. We (employees of PKI, past and present), were or are in the business of making people happy. An accident of any magnitude ruins what should be a happy day, and in doing so we fail to live up to our mission statement: To provide people with fun, excitement, and memorable experiences. No one deserves to be hurt at a place that specializes in making people happy, and it is terrible when something like this happens at a place which is meant to create fun, excitement, and memorable experiences. O belive me , This What happen today on Son of Beast is gona be pretty memorable experiences.
  17. mo? mo? mo? sorry I don't speak idiot. I was trying to point out that there really isnt a big case here , so what if a child lost a tooth?? they were goin to anyways. also sometimes people over agdrate things(i don't know how to spell agdrate) what im meaning some people think they are in a life threating sitation when there not.
  18. Omg^ they are hurt but no big deal, just one person who has broken chest. and the 2 kids lost there teeth...they were gona lose them anyway. most people are proply gona be sore. NO BIG DEAL
  19. screamingnight your mom needs help, Ok listen up, Son of Beast was goin around 75mph when it hit this unknow Bump now, on the road and in a car, you were goin 75mph and you hint a bump. The car is gona flip and do what knock and your probly gona die. RollerCoasters are safer than a Car!
  20. that site is freaky^ but if you think about it, nothing really bad happen. I think a bird hit the train or a small animal. They are gona be sore for the next couple of days. news reporters are just blowing this story out of poration. right now i just hope the ride will be running soon
  21. dont you guys read? one of the guys said Delirium got shot down i wounder if its ok, i mean common has to take a F-117 to shoot that thing down. lol for all those who think im being a complete idiot, im just pointing out how stupid some reporters are and how they miss tell the truth,
  22. Right now im not worry about Son of Beast, I worry about Delirium being shot down
  23. LOL!!! look at this! "“I love it,†he said of the coaster, which is billed as the tallest and fastest wooden coaster. “It’s one of the few roller coasters that I can ride and still get scared.†Pipoly said that at about the time of the malfunction, his friend who had been near the front of the line for the ride Delirium, was told that there were mechanical problems and the ride was being shot down." Delirium was being shot down lol near the bottom of the story http://news.cincinnati.com/apps/pbcs.dll/a...990108/-1/CINCI
  24. I heard that one of the staff actully SEEN this happen while lookin at the loop, but they did really good what they were spose to do.
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