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Everything posted by kiruler102

  1. ok well i have to see because of driving issues maybe i could get my dad or mom to go idk but idk if we do go we need to get back on this forum a day or so before and decide where we are going to meet up at and what we are going to do ok message me at myspace if you want myspace.com/dustinsexton thanks.
  2. ya that wouldnt work i live northern kentucky thanks for the offer though appreciate it.
  3. ok thanks.... so... does anyone want to go to Halloween Haunt opening night or opening saturday night? just let me know thanks so i can get a ride to Kings Island. Thanks
  4. This is just my opinion. but do you guys think it would be cool to get a group of KIC Members together and just hang out one night suggesting the first friday or saturday. it would be cool saying i wasnt allowed to go to KIC day due to money but i have a gold pass and would be cool to see a couple of people from this site going to there faviorite place at night to get the living S*** scared out of them or just MAYBE. post suggestions. Lets make this Happen.
  5. in 2000 i waited over 3 1/2 hours for the Son of Beast the line was all the queles and all the way past Thunder alley but that was on opening day. i was only 8 yrs old then. Loved IT
  6. in 2000 i waited 3 1/2 hours for the Son of Beast was worth it then but now not so much. just one question. i watched the videos over and over again and noticed that the station of the ride was closer over by wings diner area if you look closley. so how are they gonna make the que are they gonna open the entrance by blsc and make the entrance there on the road they tore out or are they gonna take the small extra room there that they cleared and connect it? or is the entrance gonna be there in rivertown?
  7. i actually dont remember my first trip but i know this is my 8th year with a pass subtracting last year with no pass and i remeber riding the Son of Beast opening day when i was 7 with a 3 1/2 hour line every turn stile opened and out by the Drop Tower and this was like this at 10:30 that opening day morning. didnt Son of Beast open in 2000?
  8. Hey i just noticed this but if you go to the Kings Island web site click on the new ride for 09 box it shows a box like for the Son of Beast and in the right top corner is a hole and when you put your mouse on it it follows it and the eye design to me loks maybe like a dragon eye or something like that so check that out and tell me what you think it looks like?
  9. well we left at 8 this morning tired since we didnt get to bed til 1 went to frischs for breakfast got to the park at 959 went to the Firehawk at 1030 line was 2 hrs plus the shut down due to rain then walked around to notice The Racer line was using there que lines in the shelter due to only one side operating at about 200 went to SDAHC= 25 min wait went to WWC= a line all the way to the bridge or to say were the line begins idk how long but a while and only got a little wet by the shooters went to see about the crypt and The Beast the crypt about 130 hour and The Beast all the que ligns open in the station before you go on the ramp and the little shelter ones about 2 hrs. after skipping them rides i rode the BLSC with a 20 min wait went to the eifel tower then avatar it was about 600 noticed they were still handing out the gold pass speed lane cards so i got them and rode the BLSC the Drop Tower, and Delirium then after that i headed to the concert with a 7 dollar hot dog waffle fries and a free soda from my gold pass braclet. watched a little of toby mac went to flight deck, 10 min wait congo falls at about 830 went to the concert until about 915 went to Adventure Express headed to The Beast waited until 1035 and they said due to inclement weather we have to shut down, this was crappy beacuse i was almost there they were making us sing along and doing the wave they operated 5 cars then got the call to shut down. headed home and got home at 1130 should have pictures up maybe on a different time and place but should thanks , PKIRULER102
  10. got to the very crowded park at 1230 went to the crypt = 25 minute wait The Beast 15 min Vortex 35 min racer walk on (x2) congo falls 5 min(x2) spirit song saw skillet and jeremy camp left at 7
  11. ya the reason it was only 10 min was beacuse it was shut down for 3 hrs and just opened up when we got to it and when we got off the linr was about 30 minutes
  12. this was the longest time i have ever been to Kings Island in 8 hrs we rode 29 rides got to park at 11 rode Drop Tower 5 min wait Son of Beast 25 wait flight deck walk on Drop Tower 5 min Adventure Express walk on went to eat lunch congo falls viking fury (x2) The Racer (2) monster scrambler dodgems Firehawk 10 min wait Flight of Fear 15 min wait Zephyr Vortex walk on shake rattle n roll back lot (3) line on bridge The Beast 5 min wild thornberrys rugrats runaway reptar planktons plunge avatar fairly odd coaster SDHC left at 745 because of a big storm
  13. ya i agree the crowds are down on the weekdays i went on mondays still kindve busy but oh well i went on saturday last saturday the 14th and found that it wasnt too crowded at all.... surprised i got on 12 rides in 7 hrs to me thats pretty good. well i am going on thursday hope crowds are low
  14. ya i may not be a older folk but when people say the Son of Beast i get angry too beacuse if i recall the sign says Son of Beast not The Son of Beast
  15. a very FUN Day hope to not bore you Entered at 300 rode Firehawk 2 hr wait Vortex 15 min Drop Tower 10 min flight deck 5 min Adventure Express 5 min The Racer 5 min The Beast 20 min Son of Beast last ride in the front on the last ride of the day= AWSOME BETTER THAN The Beast got back to northern kentucky at 1145
  16. ya it was pretty good day. got there at 1 rode a few ride like the scream machine the trabant flying bobs and dodgems ate dinner at the pavillion then it poured rain for at least an hour when it stopped or slowed down a little i rode tilt a whirl scream machine scrambler tempest river runner motor boats scream machine scream machine tilt a whirl scream machine trabnt rock o plane which gave me a big briuse on my thigh which it now hurts then python zoom floom x2 tube ride x2 cyclone silver slide x 15 left at 8
  17. me and my brother headed out from florence, KY at 945 got there at 1055 went to Delirium= 15 min wait went to Son of Beast= closed Adventure Express= walk on Firehawk= 1hr 30 min but couldnt understand how becasue it was a very short line only 4 or so ques opened up but only running 1 train OH WELL DIDNT RIDE BLSC= 5 min wait BOOMERANG BAY LAZY river wave pool pipeline paradise left at 230
  18. i was seeing if someone could just tell me cuz i cant download and bring the thing up on my crappy computer thanks
  19. hey just wondering wat kind of perks like early rides are on monday thanks.
  20. my brother wouldnt let me ride it
  21. NO i didnt have time plus my brother was being an A-HOLE and wanted to just ridE Firehawk then leave for the water park which we kindve did.
  22. i am going to coney island on the 13 of june for a picnic with cengage learning and was wondering wat rides will probably be open and if they expect a large crowd there but usually it is not too busy on that day but wasnt for sure thanks, DUSTIN
  23. kiruler102


    me and my brother headed to the park and got into the lot at 1130 and noticed for the second time no one looking out for passes. Went to Firehawk- 45 min played a few games Vortex- walk on action theater- walk on the crypt- 15 min The Beast- walk on BOOMERANG BAY coolangatta racer- 5 min lazy river- walk on sydney sidewinder- 2 min kangaroo landing great barrier reef- WARM WATER, = SHOWER WATER FEELING pipeline paradise- 5x no wait tazi- 10 min wait left at 530 overall a good day, impressed that they got new tubes for lazy river, from kids, adults, oversized tubes, and double seater tubes. the crypt is a lot better that last time i rode it. Vortex is getting VERY jerky, and rough, The Beast AWSOME but to much use of breaks, and i always get a speckle of wood in my eye when going through the second hill heliz tunnel it hurts. PRETTY GOOD DAY, nice workers at potatoe works, but the volunteer at the popcorn stand by the zepher and games, and weight game was rude. wouldnt let me have 2 waters for my brother and i, but when she gave them to me she looked at us oddly, like i was lying. WOW sorry about no pictures i don own a camera at the moment.
  24. It wasn't a math and science day. those were only the 2nd, 9th, and 16th of May EDIT:It really wasn't that crowded, I was with a middle school and my longest wait was 45 mins for Firehawk. Flight of Fear was a walk on for me at 5pm thats awsome because i went at about 530 by Firehawk and Flight of Fear and they were both like a hour wait long. but overall a good day
  25. My parents picked me up from lloyd high school in erlanger kentucky surprisingly saying were going to Kings Island. got to the park at 4:15 to see a pretty empty parking lot. rode invertigto, it was awsome waited 30 minutes then Drop Tower waited one time then Son of Beast, not so rough and waited 25 min then flight deck, walk on rode twice then walked to Delirium to see that it was closed, waited for 5 min, opened up rode it and as soon as we got off they shut it back down for a while, we got lucky, but was scared because it was making a very bad sounding rumble noise then it started vibrating, then the floor had trouble getting up, this ride is getting worse everyday. then we walked to see that Flight of Fear, and Firehawk a hour wait. then headed to the crypt which was closed rode the train then avatar= walk on left at 7 and headed over to culvers i ate there before but my parents first time delicous haeded home got home at about 915 great but rainy day got in a lot of rides in 3 hours or so....... if anyone saw me i was wearing a black skull t shirt that said surf or die
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