The Bat
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KIC Tourist (1/13)
Actually, to be honest, a loop on a suspended coaster is well within the boundries of physics to preform safely. The amount of force one would feel, would of course be greater than normal, but it is doable. Speed is a misconception in this particular case. Centrifugal force, (NOT CENTRIPUTAL, THAT DOES NOT EXIST), would be great enough to keep the cars suspended linearlly, i.e. not fall on their side. So to answer your question, a loop on Top Gun is technically possible, however, Arrow felt the need to simply not include one. Hope this all helps!
First off, people need to stop complaining about not having a hypercoaster. A hypercoaster is defined by consisting of a drop over 200', which we have, in Son of Beast... sure it's wooden, but none the less. Also, in my opinion Top Gun will be staying, as I'm sure ALL of you know, because you all know EVERYTHING, in the Kings Island newsletter earlier this year, it mentioned Top Gun being repainted. As far as 2006 goes, since this topic is posted all the time, we can just rest easy knowing that Hanna-Barbara Land will be no more and that a Nickelodean based expansion will occur, re-enter 'Tiques rethemed. All of this answers the questions being asked, hope this helps all of you that just simply put two word posts
Actually, that is not entirely true, the SB is the actual term used to describe the track's orientation, because it looks like a big wad of spaghetti... It's sister at SFA outside Washington D.C. is outside and also termed a SB. The building is just a building, this is all purely FYI though, no hard feelings.
MY experience with IJST is that this ride is little thrills and more themeing. As I have been saying for almost a decade now, the concepts Paramount has brought to the park are both extradanory and at the same time dissapointing. In my opinion, Cincinnati,Ohio is no place for a theme park, rides like this are continuing reminders that our fair home park has been taken from amusment to theme with more emphesis on the items around the ride, and not the ride itself... If I wanted to visit attractions like this, I'd go to Orlando. So in conclusion, it is 'MY' opinion that IJST is yet another failed endavour by Paramount to bring KI to the forefront of the theme park industry, as they expressed they wanted to do in a press release 3 years ago... Oh... My... And BTW In Response To: So tell me, how is 0-40 MPH not noticable? I Went From 0-75 In My Car Yesterday On The Way To UC.. Hardly Noticeable?
Hmm.. Perhaps if this revamp sort of removal type thingy (bare with me, I'm actually quite intelligent) holds true for Outer Limits... Perhaps we could be in store for... The Adams Family.. Duh-Nu-Nuh....
HELLO!? Are half of you even reading these posts before you reply. I read through all of them before and after my initial one and realized that some of you seem to be just posting for posting purposes :offtopic: On with my rebuttal, however, does anyone else find it frustrating that THIS IS NOT A COASTER! This is a stunt track people, a flat ride. Sure it has tracks and cars, but seriously, isn't anyone else the least bit disappointed that we are not getting a hypercoaster or even a coaster at all. It is sad to say but I regret whole-heartdly renewing my season pass 2 days ago. Kings Island is an AMUSEMENT PARK, not THEME PARK, somebody please agree that IJ:TSC is not worthy of the wait us fellow KI fans have endured for a great steel coaster.
The ride will without a doubt go into the Antique Car area, I have learned this due to recent reports stating that The Antique Cars will be closed officially on August 15. I went to KI yesterday to photograph the area before it is destroyed, yes destroyed, to make way for this new "spectacular" ride that will probably without a doubt leave us wanting something better, just as TR:TR and SOB have thus far. The footprint of the cars is huge, much bigger than people seem to believe, more than enough room for coaster,which has no lift hill, but uses LIMs. This concept is no different than projects similar to it, Test Track and ROTM:TR at Universal. I said it before in the opinion forum, this park needs to stop acting like Disney and get back to basics.... Where is our B & M hyper that more people want. I will still without a doubt ride the ride, and probably love it, and realize some of this post is off topic, but feel I have answered the Antique question... Sorry if other's don't agree with the opinion that my favorite park seems to be heading in a downward spiral. PS - I am not afraid to admit when I am wrong, so if this ride does end up being a success and not a failure, I will apologize in the Spring promptly.
I'd say that by far the worst investment is neither a ride, shop, or coaster, but rather the park being bought by Paramount in general. Sure, Paramount has provided us with so many well themed rides and attractions and brought in more revenue, but I somehow feel that when I was just a little tike growing up, the park was more enjoyable when I remember it not being owned by Paramount... those few years of my life that it is. I remember little things like rides based off pure fun (Racer and The Beast) and not some phoney hollywood themed ride like Tomb Raider. I just feel that Paramount should get back to basics, Theming is good.. but at what cost? Again, the worst investment by the park was letting itself be bought. PS - My First Post!
The Bat joined the community
I would lower the price of parking and reopen the International Restaurant.
Yeah Your Probably Right, does any one have any other old maps. Maybe ones with Screamin Demon, The Bat, Flight Commander? I have a 1982 map with the The Bat and the Screamin Deamon on it. I also have some from the early 90's with Flight Commander on it.
And the scary thing is I just paid $30.00 for an original one when the original only cost 35 cents.
I purchase the collectors cup and get a map of the park. I recently started collecting old maps off E-bay. I bought the 1972, 1982, and 1985 map to add to the ones I already have.