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slyvoxjr's Achievements

KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. My first trip to KI was probably in the mid 80's sometime. I came with family and we had a game on the trip to KI (drove from other side of KY) whoever fell asleep first, me, my sister or my cousin, got to pick the first ride. I was about 8 or 9 at the time. I remember we rode The Beastie 4 or 5 times in a row. Back then it was the biggest ride we could ride. Found out about KIC from Google. What a great website. I cannot wait for my son to get to that age where he will want to ride The Beastie, or Fairly Odd Coaster as its present name, many times in a row.
  2. Happy B-DAY KI - and to a great 35 more
  3. slyvoxjr

    Top Gun

    I have rode both TG and ID. Both have their good points. I like ID for its length but it does not compare to the speed of TG. If TG was longer there would be absolutely no comparison, TG would win hands down.
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