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CoastersRZ last won the day on March 3 2024

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    Cincinnati, Ohio

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  1. I had heard that the Flight of Fear at Kings Dominion was slated to go to Carowinds. I also believe that they turned part of the indoor queue of the Kings Dominion version into a Haunt for several seasons.
  2. I wonder if there will be any Gravity Group Engineered Precut Track as part of these renovations.
  3. Dollywood and the Kingdom Heirs are like peanut butter and jelly. You can`t have one without the other! Hopefully they continue singing their in some capacity and form (even if it is less appearances) for years to come.
  4. It would certainly be interesting to see the changes that would come to KI if Herschend bought KI. By all accounts, the Herschend properties are well run. Although, it seems that Wild Adventures is kind of the red headed step child of the chain and doesn`t get the same level of investments as the other properties. I wonder if that is because the area the park is situated in just doesn`t draw in enough guests and the ROI is just not there.
  5. And one of the benefits of these solar panels, is in the heat of the summer, it shades your car, so your car isn`t as hot when you get out to it if you leave the park sometime in the afternoon. I think some of these, like with the zoo, are partnerships with a company that installs these. Not sure the financial arrangement, but there is significant savings. See more information about the zoo`s solar array in this article on the zoo website: https://cincinnatizoo.org/new-solar-array-over-second-parking-lot-at-cincinnati-zoo-pumps-out-power-and-provides-shade-for-cars/
  6. You have a fixed asset in the park`s buildings. Why not try to monetize it as much as possible. Not sure if true, but way back in the day I heard a similar rumor about KI, trying to open I street year round. I believe for a few seasons that the International Restaurant may have been open close to year round, at least on the weekends.
  7. I believe that is was just as you suggested Ryan. Some picnic tables in a gravel area that guests could bring the lunch they brought with them and eat at. It was also pretty well shaded from the trees. I think I may have been there once to eat in 1998, the first year I had a season pass. I was only 13 at the time so I don`t remember much about it. It was accessible from the parking lot, and if you wanted to eat there, you would have to leave the park and go down to it. I think there may have been a set of stairs that took you down to it from about where the lift for Invertigo is, but I maybe mistaken.
  8. And eventually if places cater exclusively to shareholders, things do not end well for those companies. All the local Applebee`s by my house have disappeared. I remember, way back in the day when Cedar Point closed at 11pm every day of the week in the month of July.
  9. Yep, that is just a normal part of winterizing that building. Nothing to see here.
  10. And there is precedent for that. Remember, we did get the original Scooby Doo and the Haunted Castle in 2003, the same year that Delirium was added. I think a new flat ride that utilizes The Crypt`s ride building, and uses the existing queue entrance would be a good fit. Give another ride that is in air conditioning and could run during Winterfest. Boo Blasters definitely needs a refresh of some kind.
  11. Having visited Carowinds this year, I would say the theming in Aeronautica landing is pretty good. The whole area had a nice feel, and had background music playing that made it feel like a Disney type experience. Definitely a unique area. I would hope that Action Zone gets some love at some point. Obviously, the Vortex plot needs a replacement. I still wouldn`t mind seeing a flat ride in Area 52, since both rides back there are 54" height requirments.
  12. So long single rider line on Mystic Timbers at Winterfest.
  13. Disney used to do this in order to help finance the rides at Walt Disney World and Disneyland. The practice has fallen by the way side a bit, but I still believe that Test Track has a GM sponsorship.
  14. Siren`s Curse: Vekoma Tilt Coaster https://www.cedarpoint.com/new-in-2025?fbclid=IwY2xjawFY0uRleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHbYPgqBPgF5zQeW1mZw9dou1qmEsQ4K8ri744pL9ABgwAYpgdFxFyG-glQ_aem_PigBOoup28Xi2oA0BFQ1ug
  15. I saw the interactive lanterns as well, and it linked to their website, but I couldn`t find any additional information on the website... Seems like there is a disconnect there.
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