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Orion742 last won the day on October 8 2023

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  1. Not really a loop but I think it would be really cool if instead of the turnaround we have now for Orion it was sort of a corkscrew element that twisted down into the speed hill. Give the ride a really unique element for a giga. I also don’t even know if it would be possible with B&M clamshells.
  2. Did the 2023 one say Vekoma on it for Snoopy’s Soap Box Racers?
  3. If this is a family thrill launch coaster like Big Bear Mountain with onboard audio I would be all for it. I love Big Bear Mountain at Dollywood. It’s actually my favorite coaster at Dollywood.
  4. Kings Island won’t get a thrill coaster by 2030.
  5. Has anyone been to the park recently to see if it is still there?
  6. New trains or could they be looking at raising the max rider height from 76 inches to something around 78 inches?
  7. If it was a Vekoma family launch coaster like Big Bear Mountain I would be all for it. Actually Big Bear Mountain Is my favorite coaster at Dollywood. I would hope if they did they would theme it well and give it onboard audio. Cedar Point is putting onboard audio on Siren’s Curse so I don’t think Six Flags would be against it. That 10 inversion Gerstlauer Infinity coaster concept they shared in the survey looks amazing too.
  8. I’ve done this poll before but it’s been a long time. I’m interested to hear everyone’s thoughts.
  9. Big Bear Mountain and Dragonflier at Dollywood both have 36 degree operating temperatures so I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the same for Snoopy’s Soap Box Racers. I also believe it’s on the park for deciding what temperature to run it in because I know Energylandia runs their family boomerang in negative temperatures and snow. The park was also testing Racer in the snow last week so maybe they will run it in colder temperatures.
  10. Actually that ended up being the Zamperla family coaster they announced this morning. Speaking of the Intamin family coaster they announced yesterday, I think it looks fantastic. Now I know our 2026 addition is likely not a new coaster but if it was and we got this type of ride, I would be very happy.
  11. Although, why would the park survey on multiple thrill coasters if they’re only interested in adding family additions. The park is listening to what guests want and I think eventually the demand will be there for another thrill coaster. We’ll just have to wait and see.
  12. This news is very disappointing for me. I was really hoping that 2026 would be our year for a new thrill coaster. Everything was lining up for it. But yet again we get another family addition. I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks that it’s getting stale. The best case scenario in my opinion would be getting something like Big Bear Mountain. I don’t have a problem with getting a ride like that. In fact Big Bear Mountain is my favorite ride at Dollywood. Correct me if I’m wrong but I think this is the first time in the park’s history that we will have gone at least 7 years without a thrill coaster. Whatever it is I really hope this is the end of the family additions.
  13. What I would really like to see for The Vortex plot is either a Mack Xtreme spinner or a Mack Stryker coaster. I feel that Mack Rides is something that we lack and is very unique. There’s nothing like it around. I think the Stryker coaster is more likely so I’ll go with that one. It can deliver high capacity, marketable, a relatively low rider height requirement at 50 inches, and it would fill the gap of a modern launch coaster that we need. Also in the future I would like to see an Action Zone retheme. Possibly to a haunted area or something with Banshee and The Bat already there. Whatever it is Action Zone really needs a new identity.
  14. I saw that Fastlane was listed too so I contacted the park and they said Fastlane is not available for WinterFest 2024.
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