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Everything posted by Beast1979

  1. That's a bummer. I'd really like to see what's going on!
  2. Yea we got that Helbig guy who never talks much.
  3. That's because they don't show that area. I posted a camera angle with that area shown a few posts back.
  4. They aren't infront of the crypt they are outside the outside que.
  5. Them Huge cranes like the red one ain't easy to move around or cheap to rent, they're my guess is they are using it.
  6. If it's anything like poor neglected Behemoth's blog, don't count on to many entries.
  7. Double Post Again, I just wanted to post this because you can see the crane backed up from where it was before, which is a good implication that more supports have gone up:
  8. Sorry about the double post but I thought I'd share. Looks like they are doing something over there
  9. Well I've seen a lot of action Behind the Crypt, the crane has moved back a bit and I've seen it move up and down several times, and the transfer track peice is moved back again. You the kind of person that has to have the last word? Yes.
  10. Nobody ever updates this topic, I have to bring it back to life at 3:30 every day.
  11. avatar, you can always spot me. i'm the only one getting off SOB with a smile on my face> I'm the one on Drop Tower swinging my feet with my hands in the air while everyone else is gritting their teeth with their eyes closed. I'll be next you gritting my teeth, then riding again, with gritting teeth. Then again, gritting my teeth.
  12. Great find Kris! It really looks like they are about to really get up and going on this new ride.
  13. With what they've got up, I don't. They pulled in the huge crane so my guess is Lift Supports for now.
  14. That would be a great shirt collection, with all the renamed rides. Totally. I know Avatar, Ty, Paul, Tynes, and The mod Group anywhere but no one else, so It'd be nice to be able to point out others.
  15. Yea that support has been laying there since Thursday.
  16. Can't wait to see what goes on this week, judging by the crane in Swan Lake it looks like they are getting ready to put up the Lift Supports. And it's nice to see the progress over in the woods and ravine, the entire ride is being erected wonderfully.
  17. So they have not put up any new supports, the pic I found confirms.
  18. Sure, I mean it's just pocket cash right?
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