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Everything posted by Beast1979

  1. Well I have to say it is annoying to get in an argument about coasters to a non-enthusiast, but it is best to just ignore them and forget it.
  2. And I prefer never to be figured out. I have barely even figured myself out. All I know is that I love Roller Coasters, Amusement Parks, and Adrenaline Rushes! BTW: Kid at School after I explain Diamondback: "So it's going to be like The Racer But Bigger?"
  3. Today at School: Kid: Haven't you worn that Diamondback shirt a billion times? Me: Only Twice. Kid: Well you really love Diamondback Me: Yea, I do. I'll wait 5 hours for it! Kid: But isn't it only 3 minutes long? Me: Yea, so? Kid: So why would you even wait half an hour for a 3 minute ride?
  4. yea that one was intalled a few days ago too. I wonder when vertical construction will start in the woods?
  5. Everyone has one ride they love who everyone else hates, for me thats, uhh, i don't know. A lot of people love The Beast, Kentucky Rumbler, Blue Streak, Millennium Force, Magnum XL-200, Top Thrill Dragster, and Maverick.
  6. no the Big "A" Support, this one: It was added on Monday or tuesday.
  7. Yea they put up that "A" support, which is just about as high as they can build with that crane. It's not new though, they installed it on Monday.
  8. Well Diamondback will not have sand in it's track. So all you Roar lovers will be satisfied next year.
  9. Well I've never really heard a B&M Roar. Dominator @ GL I really didn't hear anything and Raptor and Mantis at CP I couldn't hear it with all the exterior noise.
  10. Well I checked the right site at the right time. Enjoy this support view!:
  11. ^The only thing better then TTD's roar is, well, TTD! And MF. And, well, that's it.
  12. This is as close as your gonna get till Tomorrow night:
  13. My mom e-mailed Don, and got an e-mail back saying great, further details later!
  14. ^You have no Idea How much I would give to hear TTD roar again!
  15. idk. probally out in the wods. Whats a wod? I can assume that nothing happend in the Swan Lake area because the crane hasn't moved an inch.
  16. Last thing we want is for Millennium Force to have manitence troubles!
  17. So what happened today? The sun was shining nice and bright today!
  18. And I understand how they are being neglected/abused but to take it out on helpless animals is wrong.
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